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7 months later

Miley's POV

I'm glad we're fast-forwarding to my third trimester, because the first and second were painful and messy. All of them are painful; but at least we can skip some of the details.

My pregnancy remains hidden from the public; the last few months felt like I never left once. My trips to the doctor appointment consists of tinted car windows and literally hiding behind meaty bodyguards that are now smaller than me. During these times Nick had juggled promotional things for his album while tending to me. I couldn't be more grateful, especially about the fact that I have become a whale and he still wants to have sex with me.

Mornings became awful. Getting up was hard. Getting into a sleeping position was harder. A king sized bed usually doesn't feel enough for Me, Nick, a huge bump attached to my body and a pregnancy pillow. I've hated every second of it, and I complain endlessly. Nick just listens and try to comfort me.

My bump looks swollen, it's not even a cute third trimester, Miranda Kerr or Gisele pregnancy look. It's literally overflowing.

"For fuck's sake," I groaned from the bed "When will I burst?!"

Nick's head popped through the bathroom doorway with a toothbrush dangling out his mouth. "Jesus," He muttered "I thought something happened when you yelled."

"Oh," My sarcasm surfaced "You don't think anything's going on with this...huge, elephant testicle looking thing on my belly?!"

He looked at my bare stomach. I feel insecure because my pregnancy isn't pretty. Nick returned to the bathroom and I could hear gargling noises before he came back into the room, wiping his mouth with a towel. "And you're mad because you can pull it off?" He smirked, sliding right next to me.

"It was cute two months ago Nick, now you're just being repulsive." I frowned "I'm repulsive."

"You're never repulsive," He kisses my head "You're annoying when you're hungry, but you'll never be repulsive."

"Don't patronize me," I said, struggling to turn away and failing because my fucking bump is in the way. Nick continued to kiss my head and face, his breath was peppermint fresh and his lips were soft. I closed my eyes and let him brush my hair to the side, hugging me and feeling the warmth from his toned arms.

"Once these babies pop I'm gonna hit the gym so hard so I can look good again and not feel like the ugly one in the relationship."

"Wait, I was the ugly one in the relationship?" Nick stopped kissing and looked at me in mock surprise.

I chuckled "No, you'll always be the pretty one."

"Sweet. I love being prettier than my wife."

I pulled away and stopped him mid-kiss "'Wife'?"

"What, are we divorced?"

"No, but we're not married yet."

"That's what conspiracy theories want you to think." He did spooky hand gestures "'Was Nick and Miley's wedding real?'"

I rolled my eyes "If our children make lame fucking jokes that's gonna be on you."

He pecked me quickly on the forehead before jumping off to his feet and running off into the closet. He returned looking sharp and stylish "Well, time to make some coins so we can afford those drone-baby monitors."

"Come here," I said ignoring him.

"Wan't another kiss?" He made kissy faces.

"No, shithead. Help me get up." He pulled me up at once and from that alone made me breathless and my back ache. I groaned "Be born already!" I said to my belly.

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