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Miley's POV

Nick was back after 5 minutes, the whole time I was biting my nails, checking the door every moment. His face was red with heat-- from the weather outside or the anger? I couldn't tell--his mouth hung agape as he exhaled a long breath and shook his head.

"He got away," He informed.

"Did you see his face?" I asked.

"No. I didn't see anything, he was so far ahead of me." He looked down in thought, recollecting the moment "He did have a camera,"

"See!" I exclaimed impatiently.

"I thought you meant like a phone or like a video camera..." He sighed, looking at me "This was an actual camera, Miley. Like...bigger than his head. He's an actual cameraman. Hell, he could be one of our cameramen."

My first instinct was to put my finger away from my mouth, cover my head with my hands, before putting another finger to chew on. Nick let out a distressed tongue click as he pulled my hand away from my lips. "We have to go now,"

I looked up at him in horror "Go?! Where?"

"See Ryan, he'll know something about this, and if he doesn't he has to know."

"Nick!" I exclaimed breathlessly "I am tired. I am beyond tired! This was our day off--"

"I know it's our day off but a guy was just in our house recording us having sex, Miley! I'm tired too, You don't think I'm tired?!"

"Not that tired, Nick. Tired of having to think and worry all the damn time of something I knew would happen since the beginning!" I raised my voice at him "I am literally in shock, and you want us to confront the guy who might have something to do with this?!"

"Miley, I--"

"I am literally still shaking! I literally took 5 minutes going down the stairs wrapped in this fucking duvet because I'm fucking terrified!"

I saw Nick's eyes drop down and examined the bed duvet coiled around me up to my neck, my right hand stuck out, red with bite marks. He sighed an emphatic breath, probably finally feeling sympathy and pity for me. He pulled me closer and wrapped me in the tightest hug. I started crying. I never cry.

"I want to do something but you know I can't even comprehend what's going on right now," I blubbered through sobs. Nick rubbed my back but I couldn't feel it through the thick duvet.

Nick subtly snaked his hand into the duvet and reached me. Once he met my skin he put another hand in and wrapped me in a better hug, pulling the duvet over him so it wouldn't fall of me but he could still touch me. His breath was shaky, I knew he was too lost as well to be offering any words of comfort. He just let me sobbed into his shoulder. His black velvet bath robe caressed my cheek and it made me feel better.

"How about some tea then to calm you down?" He asked after a moment.

"I feel nauseated, I wouldn't be able to keep it down."

"It's just tea," He said but I shook my head. "Ice and water then," He tried again, I agreed and he left me to fetch a cool glass with floating ice cubes in it. I sipped slowly.

"Are you sure that creep works in the show?" I asked.

"They're the only media crew to have access to our house." Nick pointed out.

"I think this isn't the only time they got secret footage of us."

"How so?"

"I thought I've been paranoid ever since we came home from your party and I heard someone in the bushes." I explained slowly, Nick drew back and absorbed this information "But that was the only time, the other time I just felt like being constantly watched. Like a sixth-sense."

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