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Miley's POV

"Where is Nick?!"

"He'll be here honey, just focus on your breathing..."

"Where the fuck is he?!"

"Sweetie, he's in Canada. He's on the way here, shh...breathe--"

I let out an excruciating shriek, sounding like I may have overdone it, but the pain is too real. "That...asshole! Does he really expect me to deliver three fucking babies all by myself?!"

The nurse was wiping sweat off of my face while offering comforting words, ones I failed to hear. "Why do they need to come now?" I groaned "Why now, out of all the dates...why the day Nick has to be in a whole ass other country? These bitches better--Ow! Oh my...God!"

"Please restrain yourself from too much movement, you're in a lot of pain." The nurse said, in which to I shot a hard glare.

"You don't think I know I'm in mother-fucking pain?!"

"Miley! Jesus, sweetie...calm down and breathe!" Mom had to snap at me, even during labor. I groaned in pain "I'm not having them now. Dr. Sharif said they aren't due in another week!"

"Hush up, Miley you're having them now! No one can't predict these things, these lives inside of you are the ones who know when they're ready to be born and embrace this earth. Let them come in."

"Really mom? You're giving me the hippie talk now?!" I screamed again "I can't do this!"

"Yes you can sweetie, come on just take a deep breath," She told me, and I knew the drill. I didn't take pregnancy classes to relieve my anxiety to not know that I need to be dilating my cervix so I can push a baby out, and it's going to take hours...but without Nick it seems possible to endure.

"He'll be here," Mom said, squeezing my hand, knowing exactly what I'm thinking "Come on, honey...breathe with me."


Nick's POV

The soonest flight Cory found was delayed. Yes you read right, fucking delayed.

My concerns got into a turmoil that set my stomach in knots. I was ready to puke. I sat there with my nerves trembling as I contained the butterflies (the bad kind) eating away my flesh. I had zoned out everytime I try to reach Miley; and each time the beep at the end of the call indicated that nobody had answered I could only realize it minutes after it happened.

It was a cycle. I couldn't eat. My Miley was in a hospital probably delivering a child at this moment. It's been about two hours since she called. No one has answered yet.

"Come on man, let's go." Phil's leading hand snapped me out of my daze, he had dragged me towards the boarding gate.

"We're leaving?? Now?!" It sounded too good to be true.

He just gave a quick nod as he handed security both our passports. We went into the plane; it was stuffy and crowded. It wasn't business class, but it didn't matter because it's the only plane that will make sure I get to Los Angeles in approximately 5 hours.

I sat down between the cramped seats and started to calm down; closing my eyes and inhaling deep breaths. The last of the passengers were loading into the plane. That's when my phone rang and I literally jumped out of my seat and onto my feet, making everyone eye me. Whispers erupt at the sight of me, I was busy fumbling to get my phone.

"Hello?!" I said frantically.

"Hey, I'm at the hospital." Joe said, I could tell it was his voice "Mom told me. Tish called her, but none of us are allowed to go in."

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