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I had to change the title of the last one because I was going to make that the breakup, but it was too long, so I changed it. Thanks!

*The Next Day*

I woke up, and realized it was 11:30. I had thirty minutes to get ready. I rushed out of bed, did my hair, did usual makeup, gut changed into a pair of shorts and a black t-shirt, and put on some converse. When I looked at the time, it was 11:55. Five minutes until I see Chance. I looked through my phone, and see a picture of him, Emma, and Brooklyn. I look through more, and I see her and Chance, kissing in front of the castle. I looked through more, and the more I looked, the more heartbroken I was. He was the love of my life, I never actually had anyone I loved more than him.

I went to my room, and started to cry. I didn't think that he would do this to me. I heard the doorbell ring, and I️ quickly got up, fixed my makeup, and walked up to the door. I opened it, and I see Chance with a big smile on his face. "Hey (y/n)!" He says to me.

"Hey" I say back softly. He looked at me, a bit concerned.

"Are you ok?" He asks me. I look at him, and he looks at my eyes. "Your eyes are red, and a bit puffy."

"Yeah." I say.

"What's wrong?" He asks me. I looked into his eyes, and he looked at mine. I look back down at my phone and pulled up the picture. I showed him the picture, and his eyes went wide.

"WHAT IS THIS!!" I yell at him. He looked at me not saying anything.

"I-I" he was in shock. I was in tears. He got up to come and console me, but I push him away.

"(Y/n) I'm sorry!" He says.

"GET OUT!!!" I yell at him. He looks back at me, but he doesn't move. "GET OUT!! WE'RE DONE!!! GO!!" I yell. My heart was breaking as I say these words. His eyes were red with tears. He grabbed his things, and left. I went to my room, and laid in my bed, crying into my pillow. I cried for about an hour, and once I stopped, I decided to go to bed. I was getting text messages from Chance, but I didn't answer them. I was too heartbroken to answer any of them, because then I would even more upset to answer him. I changed into my pjs, and fell on my bed, and cried myself to sleep.

It all started at a meet & greet (Chance Perez fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now