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I look around to see a bunch of people around me. Everything was blurry for a minute, then I realized who they were, Drew, Sergio, Brady, and Michael. They looked at me and smiled.

"Thank god you're ok!" Brady says in a sigh of relieve.

"What happened?" I asked. All I remember is I was telling them about what had happened with me and Chance. Then, I see Chance coming into the room. I have to admit, I'm still mad at him, and I'm still kind of hate him, but he was my first love, and I can't take that away. He looked at me with worry in his eyes, and speed walked to the bed and hugged me.

"Are you ok?" He asked concerned.

"I'm kind of tired." I say to him. Soon after, the doctor came in.

"Hello Miss (your last name)! I'm doctor Howard." He says.
"Hello Dr. Howard!" I say.

"So it seems like you became non conscious because you had a bunch of bruises and cuts. Any reason?" He asks me.

Oh yeah! I forgot about the fight with Emma. "Uh yeah!" I start. Chance is right next to me, and the other boys left, so they can get some sleep. "Um, I was in the park, and I saw someone I didn't like, and she said really mean things to me, and I wanted to get my anger out that was building inside me, so I punched her, and we had a huge fight." I explained.

"Who was the girl?" Chance asks. I look at him, then back at the doctor.

"Well, we are going to keep you over night, just to do some more test in the morning." He says.

"Ok." I say to him. He leaves the room, and I look down at the bed. It's just me and Chance in the room. There is an awkward silence in the room.

Then, he spoke up. "So Who was the girl?" He asked again. I look at him, and he looks into my eyes.

"E-Emma." I️ stutter. He looked upset, and hurt.

Chance's POV:

I didn't want this to happen to her. She didn't do anything wrong. I was the one that made out with her. Ugh, I'm so stupid! When she said that Emma did it to her, I wanted to kill Emma for doing this to her. Tomorrow, I'm going to talk to her.

It all started at a meet & greet (Chance Perez fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now