Chapter Two

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Roman was heading for the common room when the kitten in his arms freaked out. He was pushing away from his chest, attempting to jump out of his arms. "Would you calm down?" Princey asked in annoyance. "Patton's going to love you, and I'm sure Logan won't mind if you behave."

The cat glared at him the way Virgil always did, making the fanciful Side blink in surprise. "I swear you're glaring at me," he said, earning an indignant huff from the kitten. "You can understand me, can't you?"

Virgil nodded, still glaring at him. "Of course you can, we're in Thomas' mind," Roman said with an eye roll. "You're definitely Virgil's cat, considering how rude you're being."

As if on cue, he stuck his tongue out and pouted as the prince held him normally again. The prince rolled his eyes yet again. He brought him into the common room where Patton and Logan were sitting on the couch, the intellectual Side explaining the book he was reading as the Dad-like character smiled and listened wistfully. Roman couldn't help but smile at the interaction, recognizing a blossoming romance when he saw it.

"Greetings friends! Look what our emo nightmare has been hiding from us!" he said, excitedly showing them the kitten.

Patton gasped happily, jumping up to pet it. "Oh my goodness, it's adorable!! I'm so glad we're in the mind! I can pet you without having to suffer for it later!" he said to the kitten in the prince's arms as he gently scratched his ears. "You're so adorable! Isn't it adorable, Logan?"

The intellectual Side's eyes widen a little out of surprise at the question, having been distracted by another sight he deemed to be, as Patton would put it, adorable. Roman smirked as his cheeks tinted pink. "Yes, I suppose it is quite adorable," he commented as Patton took the kitten from Princey.

Virgil internally sighed heavily as all this took place, simply allowing himself to be touched and pet by the others who had no clue it was really him. He couldn't say the feeling wasn't nice.

"I wonder what gender it is," Logan pondered curiously. That got the emo nightmare's attention as he approached him. "I'll have to check."

"Or you could just ask," Roman suggested, shrugging. "It can understand what we're saying, so it can nod or shake its head depending on the answer, right little one?"

The prince smiled at the small black kitten, who happened to be Virgil. The anxious Side's skin felt warm at the way he'd said that as he let out a mew and a nod. Roman had to cover his mouth to keep from screaming at how adorable it was. Logan, on the other hand, wasn't amused.

"I'd feel ridiculous trying to have a conversation with a cat," he said, straightening his glasses.

Patton smiled at that, sticking out his tongue as he obliged. "Hey, meow once if you're a boy, and twice if you're a girl," he told the kitten. Anxiety did as instructed, meowing once to tell them he was a boy. "There you go!"

"Intriguing..." he mumbled, peering at Virgil suspiciously.

Oh my god... what if Logan knows? God, I hope he doesn't. What if he asks where I am? The fact that I wasn't in my room when Roman found me is suspicious enough, but if no one's seen me at all today that's even worse, he thought nervously under the intellectual Side's gaze as Patton placed him on the couch.

"I need to go research something," Logan mumbled, leaving the room.

Patton and Roman just watched him do so, looking at each other with a shared smirk. They looked mischievously at the anxious kitten in front of them. "Say Roman? Don't you think this little kitten needs a makeover?" the cardigan wearing Side said playful.

"Why, yes Patton, he does," the prince agreed, smirking at the cat. "I'm sure he'd look fabulous in a crown."

You've Got To Be Kitten Me - Prinxiety + OC [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now