Chapter Three

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Virgil backed away fearfully as Patton reached toward him. Prince had left the room to grab something, more than likely a crown, and now the cardigan wearing character wanted to pet him. The kitten let out a meow of protest as he approached.

"Hey, hey, it's alright kitty," Patton cooed, gently petting him. "I'm not gonna hurt you."

Virgil found himself leaning into the father figure's touch, a purr rumbling in his chest. Patton smiled wide, leaning down to bump their noses together playfully. The anxious kitten gave him a strange look but shook it off. However, when Roman came back holding a large bag, he jumped away.

"Hey!" the other two Sides exclaimed as Anxiety jumped up onto a shelf.

"Get down from there!" Roman commanded, but the kitten just smirked and sat down out of his reach. "I swear..."

The prince climbed onto the couch reaching for the cat. Patton warned him to be careful as he attempted to chase the kitten across the shelf as he jumped higher. "Oh my god, are you kidding me?!"

Virgil snickered, going to jump to the next shelf but missing it by an inch. He was falling and panicking. Roman gasped, lunging forward to catch him in his arms. "That was close," he said as the kitten shook in his arms. "Hey, hey, shh, it's alright, I got you."

He continued to shake as Patton came over. "What do we do?" he asked with a concerned gasp.

"I don't know! If Anxiety was here, he'd know what to do since he's his cat, but..." the prince looked at the kitten in shock. "It's having an anxiety attack! Of course!"

Patton rushed off, claiming to be going to tell Logan and find out what to do. The fanciful side looked around, searching for what he could do. He shushed him, running his fingers through his fur gently. "I'd rather waltz than just walk through the forest," he sang quietly. Virgil froze at the sound of his voice. "The trees keep the tempo and they sway in time. Quartet of crickets chime in for the chorus. If I were to pluck on your heart strings would you strum on mine?"

The anxious Side started to purr as he calmed down, curling closer to Prince. He looked down with a quiet gasp, smiling wide at how adorable he was. He continued humming the tune as the kitten stopped shaking and was completely calm.

Patton entered the room, gasping at the sight. "Oh my goodness, that's adorable," he said, trying not to squeal and scare the cat. "You got him to calm down?"

"Yeah, he's better now," Roman replied, smiling down at the purring kitten on his lap. He scratched his head before remembering what they were going to do before he'd jumped up onto the shelves. "Hey! We could dress him up now! Grab my bag!"

Virgil groaned, not even bothering to resist as Patton grabbed the bag the prince had previously brought in. The father-like character took him into his arms as the fanciful Side began digging into the bag. He smiled wide as he pulled out a small golden crown, turning to the kitten with a smile. Patton let go as he put the crown on the cat's head, stepping back to look at him.

"Oh my gosh..." he breathed, covering his mouth. Roman smiled so wide his cheeks hurt as he took out his phone. As the prince took pictures, he grinned. Virgil sighed heavily as he realized if they ever figured out he was their fellow Side they'd have some very effective black mail. "You have to send me those."

"Oh, definitely," Princey replied, watching with wide eyes as the crown fell to one side of the kitten's head, seeing that it was too big for him. "This is too adorable for words."

You've Got To Be Kitten Me - Prinxiety + OC [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now