Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Namor staggered as he ran through the gardens, tears making his vision blurry. He couldn't really breathe properly, coughing as he tried to inhale air to prevent himself from passing out.

Seeing Virgil flinch away from him hurt more than anything else he'd ever experienced. The only memory that could rival that pain was the time Roman had yelled at him for causing that nightmare from years ago. He hadn't even realized until then that he could feel fear himself; the fury in the creative Side's voice had made his whole body shake.

"Ah, if it isn't Prince Namor," a frustratingly smooth voice said from behind him.

He reached up, wiping his cheeks quickly as he tried to compose himself. He didn't need to be told who it was. "What the hell do you want Deceit?" the dark prince snapped.

"I want to see the three of you tear each other apart," he said, cackling to himself as he took in his state of heartbreak. There was satisfaction in his gaze and a clear confidence in his mannerisms as he walked around. "Virgil broke me, Roman stole him from me, and now you're trying to win him over right in front of my face. You all deserve to suffer, and it seems my plan has worked if your appearance is anything to go by."

Namor shook his head as a tremor passed through him. "No, no it didn't," he countered, smiling. "You may have hurt me, but Virgil will be going back home with Roman and they'll live happily ever after, because that's what the heroes get to do. They'll be fine, you can't hurt them now that they're together again."

"I highly doubt that," Deceit said, rolling his eyes. "I was smart enough to convince you I was on your side, wasn't I? Constantly telling you how loyal to you I was, being so grateful for you letting me stay in the Imagination; it was all just an act. I lied, because that's what I do, Namor, and you were a fool to trust me, even for a moment. I had no reason to help you, no reason to even like you considering you were trying to steal Virgil again. I never liked you. Ever since I got here, I've resented you and your feelings for him, so I have to admit, seeing you like this is extremely satisfying."

The rage that flowed through his body was white hot as he stood up straighter. The snake-like Side was far too cocky and content with his pain for him to just turn a blind eye. He was a horrible person, planning this from the beginning. Roman didn't deserve the panic that the disappearance of the anxious Side had caused. Virgil didn't deserve all the lying Side had done to him, knocking him out, using the artifact on him. He wanted to kill him for all he'd done to hurt them. "You lied to me, you manipulated me," he stated, reaching to his side where his sword was sheathed. "You lied to Roman, you hurt Virgil, you're just a lying snake!"

"No need to be so bitter that I'm more clever than you, Namor," he said with a chuckle as the dark prince drew his sword. He shook his head, looking amused. "That's not a good idea. I'm a Side, while you're, well, you're like a quarter of a Side. My point is your powers wouldn't even come close to matching mine here."

He growled as he raised the blade toward him. "I don't care, what have I got to lose?" he said, laughing humorlessly. "You already took Virgil away from me, and Roman left me long ago. It doesn't matter if I lose, at least I can get a couple hits on you for all you've done to them."

Deceit grinned evilly as he raised his hands which began to glow yellow. "Fine, so be it."

You've Got To Be Kitten Me - Prinxiety + OC [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now