Chapter 13 : Dreams and Voices

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Your POV:
The last thing I remember before blacking out was seeing Evan.
In the dream
I was running but from what exactly? I looked behind me and saw myself. I was running from myself. Why though? I stopped running and turned around. " What do you want from me?" I asked. It just looked at me then said, " you should know considering I'm you. The notes that you keep getting are from our mom. She wants to kill you and she's getting closer. I've been coming out a lot more to try to protect you but now whoever you fight knows. Oh and Evan likes you but he doesn't want to mention it. I have to change your name before you get killed by your mom. She only knows you by Angel. From now on you are Raven. When you wake up don't answer to Angel. Answer to Raven. It's time to wake up Raven."
End of dream
I woke up and saw Evan sitting beside you. You see a note in your dresser and you read it.
I know where you are Angel. I am close to you now. Watch your back.
What's going on. I think. Evan's wakes up and sees you. " Angel? How are you feeling?" He asked . Who is this Angel? I just look at him confused. "Angel are you okay?" He said looking at me. My legs are weak for some reason now. I fall and Evan raced to my side to help me up. " My name isn't Angel. It's Raven." I tell him. He just looks at me weird and yells. "Tyler, get everyone in here!" I look and see everyone staring at me.
Evan's POV:
Did she just say that her name is Raven now? Tyler and everyone else ran in. "What's going on Evan?" They all ask me. I just tilt my head towards Angel. " Angel, your okay? What happened yesterday. Why didn't you fight him?" Tyler asked. " I'll tell you what I told Evan. My name is Raven not Angel. I don't know what happened. He showed me a mirror and I saw myself but it was different. My eyes changed colours. What's going on you guys?" She asked us. " I wish we knew." I told her . After I said that she fell to the ground again but this time she was holding her head. "Raven what's going on?" I asked. Why do I care so much?

Your POV:
"I wish we knew." Evan said. All of a sudden I start having a headache. It gets worse and worse. I end up falling on my knees again then I heard a unfamiliar voice.
Raven it's me again. You need to stop being Raven. Be Angel. Something is going to happen tomorrow. It's not good though. Be careful.
" Raven are you okay?" Evan asked. " why are you calling me Raven and yeah I'm fine. It was just a really bad headache." I lied about the headache. " Are you Angel again?" He asked me. I just nodded my head. I saw everyone else looking at me. I got up. Why do I look taller? I look at the guys. " I got taller guys. I think I'm 16 now." They just looked at me. What's going on. I walk out of my room and go to the fridge. Then I heard a voice. " Hello Angel. We meet again and I have to say nice family you got" I look at the woman. I recognize her. " Mom?" I asked.

Mini's POV:

I heard Angels voice and someone else's too. I look at the guys. " Kitchen." I said quietly. We see Angel talking too a woman. " Mom?" Angel said. The woman just nodded her head. She had a knife behind her back. She looked our way then smiled. I have to warn Angel before it's too late.

Your POV:
My mom is here but why. I see her look over to Tyler and the rest of the guys. She then looks at me. She looks at me with a smile on her face. She pulls out a knife and stabs me. Why do people keep stabbing me. She pulls out the knife and looks at me. Wait. Why am I not on the ground. I have a bad pain in my head. Another headache. I look at her and she backs up. I look at my reflection and see that my eyes are red again. She runs out the door but I followed her. The guys are behind me. My mom pulls out a gun and shoots me. I don't feel a thing and I keep walking. She keeps shooting me but nothing happens. She trips and I sit on her. I hear running behind me. What is going on?

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