Chapter 22: The song

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Jonathan's POV:
Everyone was sleeping in the waiting room for Angel to wake up when I heard someone singing. I followed the voice and it was Angel. (Listen to song above) She was awake. I guess everyone heard too cause they were all in her room. It seemed like she was speaking to Evan cause he came to her side and grabbed her hand and said, " I'm right here. Please open your eyes." He was tearing up while she was singing. Everyone was shocked that she was alive and singing. We have to look after her a lot closer now cause Logan said that he would come back and finish her off.

She finished singing and opened her eyes. She sat up and everyone looked at her. The first person to react was Evan. He basically just jumped out of his seat when she woke up. She seemed out of it at the moment. " Where am I and who are you guys?" She asked. She completely forgot who we were. The nurse walked in and said, " she will be out of it for the next hour or so. She will eventually remember who you guys are but when she remembers it will be painful." How did she know this? I just looked at Tyler then put my focus back on Angel. Evan walks out of the room.

Evan's POV:
Why the hell does she not recognize us? How does the nurse know what's going to happen when she wakes up? I walked out of the room just to have Ryan come up behind me. "What's wrong?" He asked. I just looked at him. "She's in there because of Logan. How does she not remember us?" I replied. "Yes. Her brother was the one who put her in here. I don't know why she doesn't know who we are." She was singing a song when I got in the room and it felt like she was singing it to me.

I spent about an hour in the waiting room when Marcel comes out and grabs me. We ran towards Angels room. "Marcel. What's going on?" I asked. "She's starting to remember things now." I was moving faster now.

When I walked i walked in the room she was talking. "Jon. What are we doing once I get home?" I looked at Jon surprised that she knew who he was. I wonder if she remembers me. " Angel? Who am I?" I looked at her for a response. She looked at me then her hands were on her head. What's happening?

Your POV:
Evan doesn't know that I know him. He thinks I don't remember but I do. I remember. He looked at me for a response. I looked back at him. A sharp pain was in my head. I held my head in my hands. I could tell that everyone was looking at me. I heard a voice in my head that seems familiar.
Angel. You need to leave now. Go back home and hide. Someone is going to come after you if you don't leave. Go hide on the roof of your house. If anyone comes near you jump off the roof. You will survive. Go now Angel. RUN!!
I looked up and noticed that everyone was looking at me worried. "Can you guys let me rest?" I asked. They all nodded at left the room. Nows the time to leave. I was outside the window of the hospital when Evan ran in the room. I ran back home as fast as I could.

Evan's POV:
I heard a window open in Angels room. I opened her door and saw her outside her window. Shit. "Guys. Head outside now. Angels making a run for it." Everyone listened to me and went outside the hospital. I followed her out the hospital window. She was fast but what threw me off was when she was heading towards the house. She went around the block and I eventually lost her. Where is she?

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