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Young's point of view

Me: I'm going to the human world?
BG: Yes, it's an order.
Me: Okay, but how do it get there?
BG: Seagull will drop you to the human world.
Me: And why me?
BG: Our leader trust you to complete this important mission.
Me: What's the mission again?
BG: You need to lure Jin to the light side.
Me: Should I know something before the first day of the mission?
BG: Yes you do. Your name will be Sun Yo Eun, you will be attending to the same school as Jin.
Me: Where do I live?
BG: You will not live in the human world. Seagull will drop you off at the time that you will tell him and he will also get you. Since he will be in angel form, no human will see him flying around. You remember how to get into a human form?
Me: Yes, G.
BG: You will go in one hour.
Me: What!? One hour? You could've tell me yesterday?
BG: Sorry. (Awkward smile)

When angels are in their human form, a tattoo will appear on one of their fingers and when we are in our normal form, the tattoo is gone. But for female angels, they have two tattoos ; one that indicate their human form and one for their angel form.

I have a wings tattoo on my collar bone when I'm in my angel form and a moon tattoo one on my fingers when I'm in my human form.


Suk Yung Eun's point of view

I'm at the cafetaria waiting for Jungkook, since he wanted to give me something.

While waiting for my friend, I was listening to music while reading a book for my litterature class. Suddenly, someone steal my book, it is Kim Taehyung and the Demons.

TH: What are you reading Eun? (Opens the book and pretend to read)
Me(Removing my earphone): Can't you read it in the front page? Give it back!
YG: Relax Eun, Taehyung just wanted to see what book you're reading.
Me: You do know that everyone in our grade read the same book, right?
YG: Really? I didn't know that. (Smirk)

I look at Seokjin, he tries to act bad like the other members of the Demons, but his face is just neutral.

Me(Look at Taehyung): Now, give it back!

He close the book, stare at me and start walking towards me with my book at his back.

TH: If you date me. (Smirk)
JK(Screaming from the entrance): What are you doing!?

We all look that Jungkook who was walking towards our direction.

TH: Relax, I was just chatting with Eun about this book. (Shows the item to Jungkook)
JK(Take the book): Get away from Eun.
TH: Wae? You're not her boyfriend.
JK: I'm her boy-friend.

I start to laugh inside, trying to keep my outside serious.

TH(Laughs with his gang): Wow, nice joke, I'll get away from her for today. (Smirk and wink to me)

The Devil & The Sinner ◇ Kim Taehyung (BTS's V) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now