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Who do you see in the mirror right now?

-No More Dream by BTS


Suk Yung Eun's point of view

I walk into my classroom and I notice that Hoseok isn't sitting near our usual sits today. I didn't ask him directly why, so I just waited until we're at recess.

I waited outside of Hoseok's last class right before recess, when he walks out of his class he sees me with no emotions in his face, but it looks rude ; he just walks away two seconds he sees me.

Me: Hoseok!

He didn't even stop and still continues his way to his locker. I was beside him while he was at his locker, I was only asking him question, but he was just ignoring me. I notice that Jungkook and Jimin walks in and see us. Hoseok continues to ignore me and walks to the school recess yard, I still continued to do the same thing ; asking questions. Taehyung, Namjoon and Yoongi notice us while they were chatting at the corner of the recess court.

Me: Hoseok~hyung!
HS: Don't call me hyung. (He finally replies as he turns around to face me)
Me: Why? Why are you ignoring me?
HS: Because I can't believe you are siding with them.
Me: What?
HS: You know, I really though that you were my friend and you are betraying me like that.
Me: How am I betraying you? I have the freedom to make friends.
HS: Yeah, right. I know have have freedom, but you don't know how to choose the right friends.
Me: That's not true!

From that point, Hoseok and I were just amplifying the volume of our voices.

HS: Look at yourself, who are you? The Angel's friend or the Demon's friend?
Me: I'm both of their friend.
HS: You can't!
Me: Why not?
HS: Because this doesn't work, you can't be friend with two groups that hates each other.
Me: They don't hate you.
HS: But I hate them and if you join them I will hate you!

Hearing Hoseok saying those words, I felt an arrow piercing through my heart as I fell backward.


J-Hope's point of view

I enter Baby G's room to feed him since he hasn't left his room from his own good.

Me: Are you better know?

He was about to move, but I stop him since I know every move he does hurts him, even his breathing.

BG: Yeah.

He seems to be breathless.

BG: Have you... told to... Sea and Young?
Me: Aniyo.
BG(Relieved): Good.
Me: Why are you asking?
BG: Because, I had a dream, last night... I dreamed, that I was running to you, but as I keep running, you were just fading, like I was running away from you.
Me: It's just dreams, it's not going to realize.
BG: We never know if that means something bad is happening.
Me(Sigh): Stop talking and get some rest.

I said as I walk away with the wind entering from the window pushing me to exit.

RM's point of view

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