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Suk Yung Eun's point of view

I can't believe I agree to go on a date with Kim Taehyung and it's tomorrow. Knowing him (kind of) if I don't wear a dress like he asks, he will make me go on another date with him and if it doesn't work, I'll go on another date until he's satisfied.

I was in the library thinking about it, during recess.

JK: Yung Eun?
Me: What?
JK: You seem stress about your date with Taehyung. Are you sure you want to go? You can cancel and ask for another day.
Me: Aniyo, I'm alright. It's just that, you heard him yesterday, he wants me to wear a dress tomorrow.
JK: So, you want to go shopping after school? I can go with you if you want.
Me(Smile): Aw, thanks Kookie.
JK(Bunny smile): Anything for you Eun.


Seagull's point of view

I got so bored these days ; Young is in a mission, Jimin needs to take care of us and J-Hope is trying to find a way to defend the Demon Clan.

I enter J-Hope's room after I dropped Young to the human world.

JH: Hey Sea.

My leader seem to be extremely preoccupied.

Me: I'm sorry, should I enter another time?
JH: No, it's okay. What do you want?
Me: Can I hang out alone in the human world?
JH: Why are you asking me that?
Me: I have nothing to do and the human world seem to have more things to do.
JH: Sure, you can go, but remember to come back with Young.
Me: Arasseo, I'll leave you alone.
JH: Thanks, have a great day.

I quickly walk to my room, I pick up a bag and I put all my essentials in it, including what human called money ; we get those from a magical fountain so we have plenty of it.

I spread my wings and I fly towards the human world.


Suk Yung Eun's point of view

After school ended, Jungkook and I went to shopping to help me find a dress for tomorrow's date.

JK: Let's go to H&M.
Me: Wae?
JK(Looks at me with his big bunny eyes): I don't know.
Me: Anyway, let's just go there, but I know you'll look for white t-shirts.
JK(Smiles and scratches his neck from embarrassment)

We enter the store and immediately went to the woman section.

JK: How about this one? (He shows me a sleeveless blue dress)
Me: Nan.

After awhile of searching, we went into another store and came across a certain person.

Kim Namjoon's point of view

Me: Hey guys! What's up? Are you here shopping for tomorrow?
JK(Makes Yung Eun stand behind him): What are you doing here?
Me: Just walking around, but I heard from someone that you guys are looking for a dress and I'm here for approval.
JK: What do you mean by that?
Me: Oh, I'm here to help you find a dress for my friend's lady.
YE: I'm not his lady.
JK: And we're fine without you're help.
Me: Are you sure? What if Taehyung doesn't approve your dress? As you said earlier, knowing Taehyung, if he doesn't like your dress, he'll postpone the date and you will need to find another dress ; making you spending all of your money just to make Tae happy.
YE: Fine, come with you.
JK(Making big eyes): What?!
JK: Wae?
YE: He has a point and he also knows Taehyung's taste.
Me: Well, that's a good choice.
YE: But on one condition.
Me: Go ahead.
YE: We both need to approve on a dress : if you like it, but I don't and verse-versa, than I will not buy it.
Me: Arasseo.

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