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Please guide me, please stop me, please let me breathe.

-Run by BTS


Suk Yung Eun's point of view

Today, I bet that Hoseok will not overreact about Taehyung asking him if he can date me.

When I walk out of my house and pass next to Taehyung's house, Taehyung suddenly jumped out of nowhere and grabs my whole body.

Me: What's your problem?
TH(Smiles): I didn't get to hug you last night.

I release myself from his tight hug and quickly walk to the bus stop as he follows me.

Arrived at school, I sat on one seat of the cafeteria with Taehyung still inside me, he placed his right arm on the table to support his head and he looks at me seductively.

TH: I'm still waiting about yesterday.
Me: Their's nothing to talk about yesterday.
TH: I want to continue what we stopped, yesterday.
Me: We didn't start anything, yesterday.
TH(Places an arm on my shoulders): Oh really?
Me(Look away): We didn't kiss or do anything, don't act like I we had chemistry.
TH(Uses his other hand to make me face him): I'm sorry, kitty.
Me: I'm not a cat.
TH: But you look like one when you sleep.
Me(Whisper to myself and release my face from his hand): Stalker.
TH: Anyway, I can't wait for my second date with you.
Me: Your that confident?
TH: Of course. (Smirks)

Jung Hoseok's point of view

When I arrived at school, I noticed Taehyung sitting next to Yung Eun with one of his arms placed behind her, exactly on her shoulders and talking to Yung Eun, who seems to be annoyed.

I furiously walk towards him, I grabs his arm, angrily removing his arm and grabs Yung Eun and pulling her behind me.

Me: What the hell is wrong with you? Can you leave Yung Eun alone?
TH(Stands up): Oh, good to see you. (Stands in front of me) I was waiting for you.
Me(Confuse): What?
TH: I have a question to ask you.
Me(I raise an eyebrow with confusion) 
TH: Can I go on another date with Yung Eun?

At this point, this joker made my temper go to the maximum level ; I am so furious.

Me: What? No! You already have one date with Yung Eun and it's enough, I can't look at Yung Eun going on a date with my enemy again. Why-
TH(Smirks and claps his hands)
Me: Why are you clapping your hands?
YE: He just won on a bet and I'm going on another date with him.
Me(Turn to look at Yung Eun): What? You had a bet with him?
YE(Sighs): Sorry, I messed up.
TH(Walks away to go to class): See ya', my kitten.

I look at him furiously, while he smirks at me.


Seagull's point of view

Today, I decided to go to a park and I came across someone who recognize me.

Him: Hey! You remember me?
Me: I'm sorry, but no.
Him: It's alright. Suk Jihan imnida, the hyung of your sister's friend.
Me: Oh, now I remember.
SJH: So, what's up?
Me: Nothing much, I'm just here too have a walk.
SJH: Oh same. I like to walk, it's so nice.

The Devil & The Sinner ◇ Kim Taehyung (BTS's V) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now