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J-Hope's point of view

I walk into Baby G's room with a tray of food, but Baby G wasn't anywhere in the room. I panicked, but carefully place the food tray down in a safe place.

He can't be playing hide and seek with me, he's in a really bad condition to do that.

I began to investigate his disappearance, until Seagull enters.

Me: I thought I told you to not come in.
S: I know, but I really need to talk to you about yesterday.
Me: Oh right, please you can start talking.
S: Okay, so I started to get dizzy when I was flying home with Young in my arms.
Me(Shock): Does Young know about this?
S: Aniyo.
Me(Sigh in relief): Good... But how come you were having a headache?
S: I don't know.
Me(Thinking): Strange.
S: Where's G?
Me(Lying): He went out.
S: Hope, I don't need your power to know if you are lying. I can clearly see that you are lying straight into my face.

I stared at him with little fear. Should I tell him?

Me: Fine, I don't know where he is and his sic- no his under a curse.
S: A curse?
Me: Come to think of it, you may be also cursed.
S(Shock): How?
Me: Maybe that headache is part of the curse.
S: You think it's the Demon clan's doing?
Me: Of course.
S: Okay, but how come I'm fine?
Me: I don't know.
S: And what happened to G?
Me: His body was weakening.
S: Okay, so where is he, now?
Me: I don't know.
S(Frustrated): Arg! So many unanswered questions!
Me: I came here to feed him, but he disappeared.
S: What was unusual when you entered?
Me: Well, Baby G wasn't on his bed and the window was kind of half open, because of yesterday's heavy wind.
S: Did he perhaps went out from the window?
Me: Baby G can't even fly.
S: Well, the window is the only hypothesis that he went out.

Well, yeah. Sea might be right, since he was sick. I lock him inside of his room.

S: Maybe... He got kidnapped?


Suk Yung Eun's point of view

I open the entrance door of my house ; Jimin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Seokjin were here.

Me: What are you guys doing here?
JM: We wanted to check on you ; since today it's the weekend.
Me: Oh, come in.

They enter one by one and quietly sat at the living room of my house.

Me: So what happened after I got unconscious?
JM: Taehyung and Hoseok got into a big fight.
Me: How-
J: We hold them.
Me: Ah...
NJ: You know it's kind of my fault and I'm sorry.
Me: It's okay...
NJ: Don't you know what I did?
Me: Did you already told them?

I was refering to Jimin, Yoongi amd Seokjin. Namjoon looks at then then replies.

NJ: Yes they know.
Me: If they forgive you I will also forgive you so I don't really need to know.
NJ(Smiles): Thanks.

The doorbell rang, I excuse myself and went to open the door ; it is Taehyung then he just hugs me and kisses me. I stop Tae and he finally realized I have visitors.

NJ: What was that?
JM: Are you guys-
YG: -dating?

Taehyung and I stared at each other, then I nod to let him announce the news.

TH: Yes, I asked Yung Eun yesterday to be my girlfriend.

Everybody's shock face turned into a wide smile and starts to congratulate us

NJ: When's the marriage?
J(Nudge Namjoon)
JM: But are you going to tell Jungkook and Hoseok?
Me: I don't think they consider me as a friend anymore.

Jimin shows me a sad smile than he hugs me and I hug with back.

JM: I'm sorry that everything turned out wrong.
Me: It's okay, gwenchana.


J-Hope's point of view

Me: That's impossible!
S: But J!

I walk out of Baby G's room with Seagull following us.

Me: Are you suggesting that the Demon clan knows our home?
S: Well, their leader has wings just like both of us.
Me(Getting frustated): Arg, I don't know what to do.
S: Should we tell to Young?
Me: No! (I immediately say)
S: Wae?

I stared at him before I finally decided to tell his the prophecy.

Me: Two of us will face the Demon clan's leader, which one of us will die. One of us will trust the Demon clan's leader blindly and betray the Angel clan. But the Demon clan's leader will betray our betrayer. One of us will face the Devil's snake, who will make one of us eat the God sacred apple from the Garden of Eden. One of us will die in the hand of a Demon, but in exchange that Demon will also die. Actually, everyone will die if one of us can save everyone.

Seagull blankly stared at me then finally snaps out of his mind.

S: Are you saying that Young may be the betrayer?
S(Shock): Then she may die...
Me: We're all going to die.
S: Then who will save us?
Me: I don't know.
S: How come that we will all die, but someone will still safe USA?
Me: Nan molla.
S: Our clan are so much in trouble and Baby G is missing.
Me: For now, we are just going to tell Young that he has a mission in the human world and he needs to stay there.
S: Arasseo.

V's point of view

As RM stay in the human world with his normal form, I invisibly fly and follow the siblings who are actually from the Angel clan. I found their layout and I search for someone who is weak and it must be Sun Jiyoon, I found him when Sun Mang Hae entered a room while I was flying outside ; since the weather was strong I naturally open one of the biggest window, I waited for Man Hae to get out and Jiyoon to fall asleep.

As Suga ask, I pick up an asleep Jiyoon and fly towards our demon home.

The Devil & The Sinner ◇ Kim Taehyung (BTS's V) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now