Chapter 1

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Move, you're in our way," Len exclaimed coldly.
"Oh, sorry," said a red-haired girl.
"Ah, you don't need to apologise. He's always like that. There was plenty of room to walk around, so we're sorry," I quickly replied with a deep bow.
"(Y/n), let's go. There's no need to waste our time apologising for something we don't need to."

Before I could say anything, he grabbed my hand and dragged me away from the girl, who simply gave me a small smile.

Class had just ended and Len had asked me to go to the practise rooms with him. With nothing but a violin in our hands, we headed to the only empty one at the very end of the hallway.

I pried my hair off my face and attempted to tie it up in a ponytail, only to have the hair tie snap. *sigh* And that was my last one...guess I'll have to ask Haku-nii for some money to buy new ones.

"Here, I knew that would happen," Len said while tying my hair up with a gentleness that wasn't there before.

After we got out violins ready, he paused for a minute before flashing me the quickest smile ever.

"What piece would you like to play? I have plenty of free time," he exclaimed while flipping through the music sheets.
"You can pick today. I'm sorry but I won't be able to play for too long. I have to go home soon."
"What's the occasion?"
"I-it's my mum's birthday. We're having a dinner party."
"That...sounds fun..."
"*nervous laugh* Sure does, doesn't it?"

We stood in awkward silence. That was, until Len flipped to a certain piece. Tch, what a coincidence. It was my mum's favourite. He started to play, seeing as how I was still standing here.

I didn't bother joining in, I just wanted to listen. The memories I had with my mum were all coming back to me as I listened. I fought hard to hide my tears, as I already started packing away my violin even though I hadn't played anything.

"(Y/n), you're leaving?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry. I can't stay."

He simply gave me a small nod before continuing with his practise. A nagging feeling in my heart started to rise as I left through the door and out the school's front gate.

A part of me was glad that he wouldn't see me cry, and yet, another part of me wanted him to tell me to stay. I didn't know when, but I've realised that I liked him. I didn't bother confessing, knowing how he felt differently.

"Yo sis, you're home early," exclaimed Haku-nii.
"Did something happen?" he asked, worry etched onto his face.
"No, nothing. I'll start preparing dinner."

I dumped my bag and violin onto my bed and headed to the small kitchen. What should I make today?...

~While eating~

I slowly ate my food as I watched Haku-nii gulping it down. To be honest, I felt sorry for him and extremely guilty. Our family wasn't exactly a 'normal' one, and also the reason why I always came home that I could stay with Haku-nii.

Soon after our mum passed away, our dad became an alcoholic and would occasionally abuse or threaten us. Haku-nii dropped out of school after completing his first year of high school to earn money for my school fees.

I objected strongly but once he had his mind set on something, there was nothing that could change it.

It was strange, really. How both of us had our mother's looks and yet, we both had our father's love for music. Well, Haku-nii's hair was a little darker than mine but it was similar. If you didn't know him, then you'd probably think of him as one of those high school bad boys.

Sometimes, he certainly looked like one with his hair and sharp eyes. Even his clothes, such as the jacket and ripped jeans he loved so much, gave off the 'bad boy vibe'.

"Oi, what the hell are you staring at? Are you sure you're okay?" he asked.
"Huh? What? I was just thinking."
"Thinking about what? Have you finally been rejected by that Len guy?"
"*blush* S-shut up!"

He just laughed and got up with our plates. I smiled and helped him with washing the dishes. Nothing could ruin the happy mood I was in...except for one thing.

"Oi, you two ungrateful kids! Where's my dinner?" asked dad as he swayed from side to side.
"It's on the table," Haku-nii answered, the carefree tone now replaced with something similar to hatred.
"What is it? What did you make, (Y/n)?"
"Shut it, Haku. I asked your sister."
"I made fried rice..."
"Fried rice? Are you serious? Why did you make fried rice?!"

Dad threw the empty bottle at my feet, causing me to let out a small scream. We stood in silence as dad walked past and sat down at the dining table. I quickly dropped down to clean up the broken glass shards.

"Leave it to me. Go to your room," Haku-nii said.
"Hey, I'm not completely useless, you know?" he exclaimed with a slight grin.

I just sighed and headed to my room. The first thing I did was check my phone to see of I had any messages from Keii.

Keii: I heard that you left without practicing. Is everything okay?

I clenched my fists. No, nothing was okay. My mum was dead, my dad was an alcoholic and my brother had to drop out of school for me. Nothing could make this right...nothing was ever the same...and it never will be.

I got out my violin and started to play. I didn't care if I made mistakes. All I wanted was to drown out my worries with music.

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