Chapter 15

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(Y/n)'s POV

I had decided to skip class for the first few periods. No matter how much I could endure, I wasn't a god. I was only human, and sometimes we break.

We were fragile, like glass. Glass could be thick and sharp but in the end, it'd break. It was hard...seeing Len everyday in class. Everyday, I was reminded that he loved Hino and I was just like a speck of dust he could easily brush aside.

The wind on the rooftop blew up my hair. I closed my eyes and put the bow down on the string, letting my fingers do all the work.

"(Y/n), the teacher asked me to come get you. We have a practise test today," exclaimed Len.
"...forget it. I'm not going."
"You've always been good with your studies. I don't see why you're avoiding it."
"Good with my studies? What's the benefit in getting good grades if the rest of your life is hell?"
"I...just want to be alone."

I went back to looking at the clouds, expecting him to leave. I placed my violin back in its case and just thought about everything that had happened.

Suddenly, I felt Len's arms around my waist as he buried his face in my neck. I immediately tensed, unsure of what to do. Why was he doing this? What was he thinking?

I slowly relaxed as time passed by. Without realising, my heart beat had gradually gotten faster. I was so nervous...I still liked him.

"Let me stay like this for a while longer."

I turned around to look at him. The coldness I saw in his eyes was gone. It was replaced with regret and sorrow, something I've rarely seen him with.

"I'm sorry," he said.
"I'm sorry! I should never have believed Hino! I never should've pushed you away! I'm...sorry."

I immediately pulled him into a hug. I really hope this wasn't a dream. He had just told me the things that I had wanted to hear so badly.

Damn it, how pathetic of me to cry in front of him...but I couldn't help it.

"*sigh* (Y/n), I haven't said much and you're already in tears?..."
"Shut it, you."
"Tsukimori! What the hell are you doing with that?!" Hino asked angrily.
"Did you forget our deal?!"
"What deal?"
"Damn you, (Y/n). Why the hell did you make Tsukimori change his mind?! He was dating me to protect you! And I was happy to be with him!"
"What the hell? Len! I can protect myself."
"Sure you can," he replied sarcastically.
"Whatever. Hino, why are you doing this? Because you want him for yourself?"
"Yes, isn't it obvious?!"
"Then maybe you could've tried getting closer to him like a normal person! Why the hell would you go through all this?! Do you really love him?! Because you're not thinking about his feelings at all! You're just trying to satisfy your own greed!"
"Excuse me? My own greed? I am simply trying to protect the one I love from you!"
"That's enough, both of you," Len stated firmly.
"Tsukimori, have-"
"Hino, there is no way for you to win against her so just leave."

~Some time later~

Keii was sleeping with his head on my lap. I smiled as I looked at his sleeping figure. He sure did look like a cute puppy.

I closed my eyes and recalled the events from before. I had already told Keii what happened. I could always tell him. After all, he was my best friend.

Len has gone to sort out some things with Hino and refused to take me along, afraid that I'd get hurt. Well, I couldn't blame him though.

"Ssshh, Keii's sleeping."
"Oops, sorry," Kazuki whispered.

He sat down beside me and put his hands behind his head. I looked at him in confusion as he got out his trumpet. Wait...don't tell me! I was too late as he blew out a loud sound to wake Keii up.

"(Y/n)..." was the only thing Keii said before going back to sleep as if nothing happened.

Before Kazuki could try and wake him up again, I took the trumpet away from him and placed it on the ground. He gave me a pout and attempted to reach for it.

"Hihara, I was waiting for you for quite a while. And this is where you were," exclaimed Yunoki.
"Oh, I totally forgot about that. Well, see you later (Y/n)," Kazuki said before going off with his trumpet.

*sigh* What just happened?...

"Ah! Geez, you scared me..."
"Well, I wasn't asleep," Keii said innocently.
"What?! Are you serious?!"
"Then why did you act like you were?"
"Because I wanted some peace."

I sweatdropped before helping him up. Why do I even bother to help him with his tricks?...geez...

He straightened his uniform before picking up his cello. I waved goodbye as he left to go practise.

Suddenly, someone forcefully grabbed me from behind and pushed me against the wall. I winced in pain as my eyes adjusted. What the hell was Michiko doing here?!

"Long time no see, (Y/n)."
"I know about your brother dealing with drugs to earn money for your school fees."
"You don't want that to leak out, do you? It'll definitely be a problem if it reaches the police."
"What the hell do you want?"
"It's simple. I only want to get back together with Haku."

Seeing as how I didn't reply, she continued to talk.

"Don't worry, you don't have to do much. Just tell your brother how you were wrong and how you support our relationship."
"What? He would-"
"That's so heartless. He has sacrificed so much for you and yet, you're still acting greedy?"
"...let me think about it."
"I'll give you two days."

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