Happy Ending

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(Y/n)'s POV

~The next day~

I had invited Keii over to my place for practicing. It was for the concours coming up this week. To be honest, I wasn't that nervous. Even though I haven't really practised much or gave it much thought, it didn't worry me.

As we finished playing the piece, I felt a hard object being thrown at my head. I turned around with a glare before bending down to pick up the candy.

"Heh, that was funny, sis."
"No, it wasn't. How come you don't throw candy at yourself? It'll sure be interesting to see."
"Hmph, in your dreams."
"(Y/n), thanks for practicing my piece with me. Have you chose one for yourself yet?" Keii asked.

I simply shook my head. I was thinking of doing this one particular piece that my mum first showed me...but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It just reminded me too much of her.

"Hey, you idiot. Why are you practicing on the weekend? Did you forget what today is?" asked Haku-nii.
"Why can't I practise on the weekend? And what is today exactly?"
"Isn't it Tsukimori's birthday?"
"What?! Today?!"
"Geez, and to think you're his girlfriend..."
"Wait, how did you find out?"
"I have my ways."

I raised an eyebrow. He didn't do anything...bad, did he? I sure hope he didn't. Keii looked at me, expecting me to do something about this.

Hmm, Len's birthday...what should I get him as a present? Did he have anything on today? Before I got a chance to call him, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Len came in and greeted us before turning to me.

"Let's go."

He grabbed my hand before I got to reply and led me outside. Eh? What about the others? When I was about to ask him, he told me to just tag along. I pouted and sighed before giving in.

"So where are we going?"
"You'll see," he replied.
"What about everyone else?"
"I've already told them that I wanted to spend the day with you."
"But isn't today your birthday?"
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Shouldn't you spend it with your parents?-"
"I'd rather spend it with you."

His tone was sharp. I shouldn't have said that...tch, I was so stupid sometimes. He noticed my expression and kissed me on the cheek, causing my face to heat up.

"Don't look so down."
"Hey, what would you like for your birthday?"
"I would like you to spend it with me."
"That's not what I mean."
"But that's what I want."

Soon, we arrived at the entrance of an amusement park. Eh?! No way, I did not deal well with these...they didn't interest me...

"Let's go in."

He pulled me inside. I tried to hide my anxiety as we headed towards one of the rides. I still remembered the one time I came here on a school excursion. I shivered and pushed the bad experience aside.

"I was there that time. That's why I took you here today. This is supposed to be a fun place and I want you to have good memories," Len exclaimed.

He smiled at me and took me to one of the biggest rides here. *gulp* His hand reached for mine as we headed closer and closer.

I hope I don't die today. Huh? I checked my phone. Why would Len's mum send me a text message? What was this about?...

~Some time later~

"Thank you for today, Len."
"You're welcome-"
"*gasp* I just remembered! I promised a friend I would go meet them somewhere today!"
"Len, come on. We're going to be late!"

I dragged him to the road, where we caught a taxi. I told the driver the address before glancing at Len. I hope he didn't realise my plan...

As soon as we arrived, I quickly took him inside. We sat ourselves in the VIP row. The others were in the row behind us. I gave them a small smile before sitting down.

"(Y/n), did you bring me here because my mum asked you to?" Len asked with a serious expression.
"You have to see their performance today."
"...forget it, I'm leaving."
"Len! Sit back down before I personally rip your throat out."

He sighed and slumped down on the seat. Soon, the curtains drew back and the performance began. Len's parents were performing together. I could feel the emotions they put into their playing. Len, you have to understand what you mean to your parents...

Len's POV

This was strange. Their playing was different from before. It was as if they were trying to tell me something through their music.

It made my heart ache and almost brought me to tears. What was this? Why?...I looked at (Y/n), who smiled innocently as the music filled our ears.

"Can Tsukimori Len and (L/n) (Y/n) go backstage please?"

What? Why were we being called backstage? (Y/n) was surprisingly not as confused as I was. Did she know about this too?

"Go on, you two," said mother.
"What? But I thought-"
"(Y/n), go on with him."

Did she intend to make us perform onstage? Tch, why me? My playing was nowhere near good enough...I didn't deserve...this...

I didn't get a chance to argue as mother quickly pushed us onstage with our violins. *sigh* I guess there was no getting out of this...

We started playing, despite not having a particular piece in mind. Somehow we just knew what piece to play.

What is this? Why did I feel so relaxed? The sound of our violins was merging into one. I could feel the calmness seeping into my mind as we played. It was...fun.

I realised then that I wanted to play more. The more you enjoy it, the easier it is to love it. Was (Y/n) trying to tell me this the whole time?

~After performance~

"Len, that was amazing!" (Y/n) exclaimed happily.

I couldn't help but pull her into a kiss. She hesitantly kissed back. I pulled her closer and deepened the kiss.

"Thank you."
"Hehe, you're welcome."

I loved her...

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