Sad Ending

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(Y/n)'s POV

~The next day~

The tick-tock of the clock seemed to burn itself into my mind. I didn't know what to do anymore. The events from last night kept replaying over and over again.

I buried my face in a pillow and forced back the tears that threatened to fall. Why did this have to happen? Why?...What the hell did we do to deserve this?!

I...just wanted a normal life. Did the world really hate me this much?


Len was walking me home. We had just left the lights festival. I smiled to myself as I recalled everything that happened there. It sure was fun.

While we were walking, I noticed that Len's mood seemed a little...down in a way. Well, for someone who had just had fun, he was being awfully quiet and 'serious'.

"Hey (Y/n)?"
"What if...I said that I was going to live in America?"
"You're going overseas?! That's so exciting!"
"(Y/n), I'm not just going overseas...I'm living overseas...forever."
"Y-you won't come back?"
"I'm not sure..."
"It's for my parents' careers. I have to go with them. I'm leaving tomorrow."
"I see..."
"*sigh* Listen, I don't want to leave you. It's just that...I don't have a choice."

He gave me a goodbye kiss before leaving. What now? Len was leaving for America and never coming back. Should I even be like this? I have to show him that I was fine. He wouldn't be able to leave otherwise.

As I reached out for the door, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to find Michiko standing there with a smirk on her face.

"What? How?-"
"How? I have family you know," she said.
"What are you doing here? Haku-nii's not going to be with you again."
"Oh, I'm not here for him anymore."
"Then why?"
"It's nothing complicated. I just want to see you die...literally."
"Huh? Me? Die? In your dreams."
"Just wait for it..."

She walked away, leaving me alone. What did the world think I was? An invincible human? I couldn't keep facing these problems like this one after another...

~Flashback end~

"Hey, you okay?" Haku-nii asked.
"*sigh* Why did I even ask that question? Of course you're not."
"Don't worry, I won't let her hurt you. And it's going to be fine with Len. You can just have a long-distance relationship."
"I know but-"
"Oi, stop frowning. Come on, let's go to the airport. We can make it on time."

I simply nodded and followed him to his motorbike.
When we arrived, Haku-nii grabbed my hand and took me around, looking for Len. Where on earth could he be?


I turned around and was pulled into a long kiss. Len pulled away and looked at me.

"Don't cry. I can't leave with you like this..." he exclaimed sadly.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"Call me when you arrive, okay?"
"I will."

He let go before running to his gate. I watched as he disappeared through the doors. Len...I'll miss you.

I saw Haku-nii waving his arm in the air. Before I could head over, someone grabbed me from behind and dragged me away.

Len's POV

The plane had already taken off. I hope (Y/n) got home safely. *sigh* Why was I even thinking about that? Of course she would've gotten home safely.

"Len, it's not like you'll never see her again," said father.

I didn't bother talking to them. After all, they just announced that we would be going to America unexpectedly. And to think we would be living there...

~After flight~

We arrived 'home'. I got out my phone and called (Y/n). She was taking a little longer than usual to pick up. Did something happen? No, what could possibly happen to her?

Why did I keep getting a bad feeling about this? Finally, someone picked up the phone.

"I'm terribly sorry but the owner of this phone has gotten into an accident. She...has passed away."
"...what? You can't be serious, right? This must be a joke."
"I'm sorry, sir but this is not a joke. Her brother has already begun preparing a funeral for her death."

I hung up. Tears slid down my cheeks as my phone dropped to the ground. (Y/n)...why? Why the hell did you pass away? I still...wanted to spend more time with you.

"Len, a letter arrived for you."

I took the envelope from mother and ripped it open. What? Was this from (Y/n)?! When did she have the time to send this?

Dear Len,
How's America? You're so lucky, getting to go overseas. Maybe I can go visit you one day. We can go to all kinds of fun places together. Hey, I've always wanted to go to (favourite country). Can we go there as a holiday? Hehe, not like I have the money. Well, you must be wondering how I got your address, right? I asked your mum after you left. Hehe, I wanted to surprise you. Anyway, don't worry about me too much. I'll be fine :) Call/text me, okay? I'll be waiting :3
I'll miss you. I love you.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I collapsed to the floor and cried. My tears dropped onto the letter. Damn it! (Y/n)! Why?...I never should've left. You wouldn't have died if I had been there to protect you...

What now?...I had nothing to live for. She made me realise my passion. I realised that I loved the violin because of her...and now she was gone. What was I supposed to do? (Y/n), please tell me...

"Len, are you okay?" mother asked from outside the door.
"I want some time alone..."

(Y/n)...I love you why did you leave me?...

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