Chapter 20

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Hey Haku-nii, I'm going to head out for a bit! I'll be back soon!"
"Oi, where the hell are you going?! You literally just came back home!"

I needed to get to Len's place. The thing he had said over the phone...I wanted to know what he was talking about. Before Michiko nagged me again about my answer, I needed to see Len.

I only had my phone with me since I couldn't be bothered to get anything else. Suddenly, I heard Haku-nii's motorbike behind me. He stopped beside me and gestured for me to get on.

"Come on, let's go. You're going to that Len's place, right?" he asked with a grin.

I just smiled and nodded before getting on behind him. Once I had my arms around his waist, he almost immediately took off. If I hadn't held on at the last minute, I would've fallen off.

The wind whipped at my hair, making it incredibly messy. The thrill of riding the motorbike got me every time. Sometimes, I do wonder why I never learnt how to ride one.

I watched as the houses and greenery passed by like they were unimportant. The cold rush of air clawed at my face, making it freeze and go numb as Haku-nii eventually slowed to a halt.

"Thanks Haku-nii. Well, I'll-"
"No, I'm going in with you. There's something you're not telling me and I want to know what it is," he exclaimed while walking towards the front door.
"I'm going in. Hurry up."

He opened the door without ringing the doorbell. I tried to get to him but he was already heading inside. Ugh, how can my brother be so rude? Like seriously...he didn't even know Len that well.

When I went inside, I saw Len and Haku-nii having some sort of glaring contest. I quickly separated the two, hoping to avoid an unnecessary fight.

"(Y/n), what is your brother doing here?" Len asked.
"Um...he wanted to know..."
"You do realise you are quite rude, right? Coming into a stranger's house without permission," commented Len.
"Stranger? You're my sister's friend, aren't you? I don't think that's what people would call a stranger," Haku-nii replied half-heartedly.
"Len, just ignore him. He's always like that."
"Oi, I'm here for a reason, sis."

*sigh* I almost forgot...Len seemed to sigh in annoyance before gesturing for us to go into the lounge room, where he had his violin out. Haku-nii immediately sat on the couch and plopped his feet up on the table while chewing on a piece of bubblegum.

"Can you tell your brother to show some manners?" Len asked.
"Sorry but he never uses them."
"Right, what did I expect?"
"Shall we get started then?"
"Yeah, sure."
"Before you two discuss whatever you're about to discuss, tell me what's going on," Haku-nii said.

I reluctantly explained the situation to him. He simply listened in silence, showing no signs of what he thought or felt.

My palms were getting a little sweaty since he wasn't saying anything. He simply sat there with an unusually stoic expression on his face. I waited for him to speak up.

" she's been putting you through all that, huh?" he finally asked.
"Haku-nii, I-"
"I'm sorry, I never should've gotten into drug dealing."
"May I ask why you started?" asked Len.
"Why should I tell you?"
"*sigh* Whatever, don't tell me."
" was that stupid Hajime guy."
"Your violin teacher at school."
"Eh?! Are you serious?!"

Len and I looked at each other, shocked and surprised. Was that why Hajime sensei knew about my brother's drug dealing? Because he was the one that had forced him to start?

I could only try to keep my anger in. He forced my brother to take up drug dealing and treated me like rubbish! I couldn't believe it! What did he have against my family?!

"(Y/n), let go of whatever crazy idea you have in mind right now," Haki-nii exclaimed.
"Your brother's right. At least let him explain what happened," Len said while helping me sit down.

We waited for Haku-nii to explain the situation. It was probably something he wanted to forget...

"I met him in a back alleyway when I just got fired from work. It was honestly something I did not expect. He just came up to me and asked if I wanted a cigarette. When I refused, he suggested that I deal drugs to earn money. I said no but then he threatened me with your life so how could I not say yes?..."
"How did he know me though? And what did he have against me?"
" was later on that I found out that Michiko had planned everything."
"What do you mean?"

He stayed silent and just stared at the ceiling.

"Hey Tsukimori, do you have a guitar?"

I looked at Haku-nii, surprised. He hasn't played the guitar for quite a while so it was a little unexpected that he had asked for one.

"Yeah, why?" Len asked, confused.
"Lend it to me."

With a sigh, Len went to get the guitar. A while passed in silence before Len came back with what looked like a really dusty guitar that he just happened to pick up from a random room.


Haku-nii took it and sat up. He gave me a small smile before starting to play. His expression was gentle and relaxed as he not only played, but sang as well.

I couldn't help but think his voice was beautiful. I never grew to like singing myself but whenever he did, I would always watch in amazement.

Sometimes, I do wonder why he never followed his dreams. Why would he waste his life earning money for my school fees?...

"Weren't expecting that, were you?" Haku-nii asked Len with a slight smirk.

Len simply looked at me with a raised eyebrow, wanting me to explain. I just laughed.

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