Chapter 17

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(Y/n)'s POV

What did I know about Michiko Ai? Now that I was actually thinking about it, there was almost nothing I knew about her. I mean, sure I knew she hurt my brother and was unforgivable but what else did I know?

It had never occurred to me that everything about her seemed fishy. Did Haku-nii know anything about her? Well, they've dated for a while so he should.

"Honestly, I don't know anything about her. Why do you ask?"
"Isn't it possible that she forced your brother? Everything about her is a little mysterious," Len replied.
"I guess...but she doesn't seem smart enough to do something like that, or even brave enough."

The door bell rang, startling us from our conversation. Keii and I looked at Len in confusion. Did he call someone else over? But it didn't seem like that. He looked just as confused as we were.

"Stay here, I'll go," exclaimed Len.

He stood up and left the room, leaving us alone. Keii and I carefully peeked outside and saw Len standing in the doorway. He was blocking the view of the person that showed up.

We were a little too far to hear their conversation but despite this, we strained our ears to listen to even the slightest sound.

The voice came from a girl. I couldn't hear anything else. Well, I didn't really need to. Len had moved out of the way. Hino was at the front door. She seemed to be crying.

Keii and I leaned forward a little more, trying to hear what they were saying. Suddenly, my foot caught on the carpet, making me fall on top of Keii. Before he had a chance to steady himself, we were already on the floor. much for trying to stay hidden. Hino and Len looked at us sprawled across the floor. I immediately stood up before helping Keii.

Hino's frown quickly turned into an angry glare as she made eye contact with me. I glared back at her. What was she doing here?


I stood in shock as she marched right up to me and pushed me against the wall.

"What are you doing here?! You're not supposed to be with my Tsukimori!" she yelled.
"Since when has he been yours? And I should be the one asking why you're here."
"Shut up! Your voice is so annoying! I hate you! You stole him away from me! He was supposed to end up with me!"
"Seriously? I didn't steal him away from you, he just doesn't like you. In fact, I don't think anyone would."
"You have no idea how much I suffer!"
"You? Suffer? Wow, you're just...I don't even have any words."

Her nails dug deeper into my skin. I shoved her to the side before slapping her across the face. Keii had to hold me back from hurting her even more.

She deserved it! Why the hell was she so damn evil?! I haven't done anything wrong! It was her own damn fault! She was just letting her stupid jealousy and greed take over!

"Tsukimori, please! I'm begging you! Come back to me. You don't have to be with this witch," Hino begged with tears forming in her eyes.
"...Hino, please leave. I don't want anything to do with you," Len replied, showing no signs of emotion.

She reluctantly left after slamming the door closed. So she only came here to cause a ruckus...geez, why did she want so much attention?

But I hated her for saying that she suffered more than me. She had no idea what I had been through and yet, she says she was suffering because the boy she liked didn't like her back?

"(Y/n), are you okay?" asked Keii.
"I need some time alone."

He let go of my arm, letting me walk outside. I sat down on the bench, despite it being soaked, and leaned back.

The rain was coming down hard on my skin. I honestly didn't care about getting sick. Maybe that would've been that I wouldn't have to go to school and see Hino's ugly face.

*sigh* How I wish mum was here, she always knew what to do. The moment she left us, our family broke apart. I just didn't know what to do anymore...

"You'll catch a cold out here," said Len.

But he simply sat down beside me instead of telling me to go inside. Keii came out too and sat down by my left. We just sat there in silence, letting the rain drown out everything else.

I took their hands and smiled. At least I had my friends...well, I would have to let my feeling die down for Len. The rain soon got lighter and lighter until it finally stopped.

The clouds still hid the sun but we weren't getting soaked anymore. Well, that was until someone threw a water balloon at my face.

"Who was that?!"
"Come on, you're already wet so it doesn't matter, right?" Kazuki asked as he showed up from behind the fence.
"Eh?! What are you doing here?"
"I asked Shimizu where you were since you weren't answering any of my texts. And decided to come over for a visit."
"And who says you can come over uninvited?" Len asked.
"Exactly what I've been telling him," said Tsuchiura.

Before Kazuki got a chance to reply, he slipped and fell face flat into the muddy grass. I honestly couldn't help laughing out loud. I had to admit, it was funny.

"Don't laugh!" he yelled as he finally managed to stand up.
"Well, let's play," he exclaimed while holding up a bag of water balloons.

I just smiled and nodded. He immediately threw one at me but missed by a few centimetres. Eh..I didn't have any water balloons. That wasn't fair.

Suddenly, someone slipped one into my hand. I quickly threw one back at Kazuki, hitting him square in the face.

I laughed before turning around to find Keii smiling at me. I smiled back before taking another one to throw.

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