Chapter 24

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(Y/n)'s POV

"...are you serious?"
"Why would I lie about this? I'm telling the truth," Hajime sensei replied.
"So you're saying you fell in love with my mum but she loved my dad and that's why you killed her but made it look like an accident?"
"Tch, y-yeah."
"And you hate my family because my mum didn't love you back and I'm my dad's daughter...a daughter your crush had with another man..."
"...why are you telling me this?"
"I was hoping you'd understand-"
"Understand what?! You killed my mother and expect me to understand your stupid reasons?! She was my mum! You killed her because you were jealous?! She had a family! Why couldn't you think about her?! If you really did love her, then you would have felt happy for her having found people she wanted to spend the rest of her life with..."
"...I couldn't. I wanted her for myself...I think that's why I started dating Ai. Everything was a mistake."

Len held me back from hitting Hajime sensei. That selfish teacher! He treated my family like we were insects simply because of unrequited love?! Tch, he deserved to die! He turned my family into a disaster!

I didn't realise until I felt something wet on my cheeks. Tears...why would I be crying? I thought I got over my mum's, these were tears shed over her unfair death. She didn't deserve to die like that. She did nothing wrong!

I...didn't know what to do anymore. Was I supposed to let Hajime sensei go? What about his daughter? What would happen to Michiko? Before I realised it, I had began crying loudly.

Len's POV

I couldn't believe it...this Hajime sensei killed (Y/n)'s mother? And it wasn't a simple accident? He killed her because of his own jealousy...he couldn't be let go like this.

Seeing (Y/n) cry like that crushed my heart. My heart ached painfully at how upset she was...I wanted to make things right. And right now, Hajime sensei needed to be handed over to the police.

I honestly couldn't think about his daughter. He treated (Y/n)'s family so cruelly and expected her to spare a thought for his daughter whom he had with Michiko Ai? Tch, give me a break.


(L/n) opened the door with a loud bang and ran inside. Michiko was standing by the door with a frown on her face. The police were behind her.

(Y/n)'s brother immediately sent a punch towards Hajime sensei. He seemed to know what had happened to their mother. Michiko probably had something to do with this.

I could only pull (Y/n) into a hug as her brother beat the life out of Hajime sensei. He was soon stopped by two officers who warned him that if he continued then he'd be taken into custody as well.

"You crazy psychopath! You killed our mum because she didn't return your stupid feelings?! I hate you! Go die, you bastard!" he yelled angrily with tears streaming down his cheeks.

(Y/n) was trembling. From fear or simply of shock, I couldn't tell. Hajime sensei and Michiko were both taken away. (L/n) collapsed to his knees and yelled in frustration and anger.

(Y/n) slowly walked up to him before hugging him from behind. I left the room quietly, letting them have their own space. They needed it.

(Y/n)'s POV

~Some time later~

Haku-nii went home to tell dad the news about mum's death. I had a feeling he would react badly to this but there was nothing I could do to stop my abusive father.

Suddenly, someone was hugging me from behind. I soon relaxed once I noticed that it was only Len. He buried his face in my neck. His hot breath tickled my skin.

"I'm sorry about what happened," he exclaimed.
"...she didn't deserve to die like that..."
"I know she didn't."
"Haku-nii almost killed him. He was furious. I've never seen him like that before..."
"Don't worry, I don't think he would ever hurt you like how he hurt Hajime sensei."
"That's not what I'm worried about. I...I don't know how to keep him safe anymore. You've seen what he could do. I'm worried that he may cause trouble in the future..."
"If he knows you're worried about him, I'm sure he won't get into any trouble."

I really hope you're right, Len. This was the first time I've seen Haku-nii so mad. Well, maybe I've forced myself to forget the other times...after all, he scared me when he went out of control.

I quickly shook my head and tried to get rid of these thoughts. Now wasn't the time to think about this. I needed to be there for Haku-nii. I couldn't be here whining like a little kid.

Plus, Len's been with me the whole time. I couldn't just ignore him and think about my own problems. He probably had his own problems at home and yet, he was pushing them aside to help me with mine...

"Thank you."

He ruffled my hair before giving me a smile. I managed to smile back.

"Do you want me to take you home?" he asked.

~At home~

Dad was in the lounge room crying when I went inside. Haku-nii was standing in front of him with a dark shadow covering his face. What should I do? I've never dealt with this situation before.

That was when it hit me. Back when mum was still alive, dad had liked Haku-nii's singing. We would always hold small concerts when we were kids.

I quickly went to his room and grabbed his dust-covered guitar. I felt sorry for the guitar. It has been abandoned for so many one had bothered to take any notice of it. And yet, here I was about to hand my brother this very guitar.

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