Chapter 9

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(Y/n)'s POV

"You're dismissed," exclaimed Hajime sensei.

Ugh, finally! Since it was late already, I only had to stay in detention for around 30 minutes but even that felt like an eternity.

As I packed up my things and headed outside, I called Haku-nii. He said that he'd come to school to see me but hasn't sent any texts or called me back even once. Did something happen?

"Haku-nii, where are you? I've-"
"Shut it. Haku's mine and you'll never get him. Get out of his life."

The girl hung up. I clenched my fists in anger. This girl...I recognised her stupid, whiny, high-pitched voice. It was honestly the most irritating thing in the world.

Her name was Michiko Ai (made-up character), Haku-nii's ex. She used my brother, toyed with his feelings and broke his heart. It was around two years that this happened. Haku-nii swore that she was his first and last love.

I immediately searched the school grounds looking for them. I didn't know why Michiko was at the school but she definitely could not toy with Haku-nii's feelings ever again.

After a while of looking around aimlessly, I found them near the school gardens. Haku-nii was frozen in place as the witch leaned forward and kissed him.

Normally, I didn't like to intrude into others' personal business but this was my brother. He has always protected me and now it was my turn to help him.

Without a second thought, I pulled Michiko back by her hair and punched her in the face. She deserved it after what she made Haku-nii go through.

"Wait, you're that girl that called earlier! Haku already has a girlfriend, so back off! And why the hell did you punch me?!" she yelled furiously.
"Girlfriend? I'm his sister! And as for punching your ugly face, you only have yourself to blame for that."

She reached her hand out in an attempt to grab my hair but Haku-nii pulled me back before it could touch me. His gaze was cold and distant. I almost froze in fear the moment I looked into his eyes.

"Ai, that's enough. Go back home," he said.
"But Haku-"
"I never want to see you again so don't ever come crying because I won't be there for you."

~At home~

Tears immediately slid down his cheeks once we burst through the front door. The nightmares and sad memories all came flowing back to him.

I pulled him into a hug, letting him cry as much as he wanted. He needed someone to be there for him. Sadly, this was the only thing I could do for him.

"Sshhh, I won't let her anywhere near you."

My brother may be tough, but he wasn't made from steel. He was only a human and so was I. Did our family have bad luck with relationships? Because sometimes, I felt like we were cursed.

"Oi! Why are you two morons back so late?! I'm starving!" yelled dad.
"Then go make dinner yourself."
"What did you say?-"
"Go make some yourself! Listen, as a father, you are responsible for looking after us! It's not the opposite! You're supposed to be supporting us! We've been through a whole damn lot, okay?! So shut up and leave us alone," Haku-nii exclaimed, frustrated.

Len's POV

I leaned against the wall in my room, and closed my eyes. My mind was exhausted from all the things that had happened.

I still couldn't choose between (Y/n) and Hino. It seemed surreal that Hino took control of the situation in such a short amount of time. Her weak yet strong arguments seemed plausible but (Y/n) was the only friend I have ever opened up to...


"Hey, my name's (Y/n)."
"Tsukimori Len."
"Let's be friends," she exclaimed with a smile.
"I see no reason to be your friend. How would it benefit me?"

She bit her lip and seemed to be deep in thought as if I had just spoken a different language. But she looked cute...*blush* Seriously, she has to stop doing that...

"It's nice to have friends. You seem lonely so it wouldn't hurt to become friends, right?" she asked.
" whatever you wish. I don't care. Just don't get in my way."

The girl stopped for a moment, as if she wasn't happy with my answer but then shook it off and held out her pinky. I sighed and pinky promised her.

"Well then, Tsukimori, feel free to call me (Y/n)."

I nodded and headed to the practise rooms. She followed me there and went to the practise room opposite mine.

Now that I think about it, she was the new girl but she seemed to know Shimizu. I was a little confused though. Why would she want to be my friend?...

~Flashback end~

*smiles* I still didn't know the reason, but she sure did make me fall for her. I tried pushing down these feelings because it felt like she didn't feel the same way. Maybe I was just using Hino as an excuse to stay away from (Y/n).

*ding* I checked my phone. Strange, I didn't know this person's number but since curiosity was taking over me, I checked the message.

Unknown number: Hey, this is Tsukimori Len, right?

Me: Who are you?

Unknown number: Save this number as Michiko Ai

Me: Well Michiko, I still don't know who you are

Michiko Ai: You know (L/n) (Y/n), don't you?

Me: What does that have to do with anything?

Michiko Ai: I want you to help me get rid of her

Me: What are you talking about?

Michiko Ai: Think about it. She's a horrible girl and you know deep down inside that it's true

Me: What?

Michiko Ai: I'll be waiting for a positive reply :)

What the hell?...Who was this girl?...

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