Chapter 2

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(Y/n)'s POV

~The next day~

I quickly headed to school, running as fast as I could. I was late, really late, and it was all because of my dad. I mean, he usually didn't do much in the morning but for some odd reason, he complained about the breakfast I made him and 'ordered' me to make it over and over again till I couldn't take it anymore.

It wasn't my fault that I made stuff like my mum. It wasn't my fault that I looked like her. And it certainly isn't my fault that you can't get over the fact that she's not here anymore! So why do you take everything out on me?...

"(Y/n)'re here early," exclaimed Keii.
"Keiichi, I'm really sorry. I can't talk right now, I'm extremely late."

I reached into my pocket and shoved a note into his hand before running off to my morning violin lesson.

Hajime sensei was going to kill me. I loved violin a lot, but his lessons always made me question whether I should continue or just quit. It wasn't enjoyable when I had lessons with him.

"(Y/n), you are extremely late! What excuse do you have this time?" he asked.
"I had some family issues-"
"Family issues? Is that it? You could've sorted it out after school. Why didn't you? Because you hate my lessons? Because you wanted to tell everyone how bad of a teacher I am?"
"No, that's not it. I-"
"Enough! Let's get on with the lesson."

I quietly nodded and got out my violin. Hajime sensei glared at me before we finally started the torturous lesson.

No one's POV

Shimizu couldn't concentrate on his practising. He was worried about (Y/n). After all, he did know her ever since they were little children, like childhood friends. She wouldn't call him 'Shimizu' or 'Keiichi' unless something was bothering her.

And there was also the note. She had written to him about the lessons she took in the morning with the mysterious teacher, Hajime Hikaru (made-up character).

"Shimizu-kun, is something wrong?" asked Hino.
"No, it's nothing..."
"Hmm? Why did you stop practicing then?"
"My friend...I'm worried about her."


Meanwhile Tsukimori had just arrived at school, on time as usual. He was as cold as ever, ignoring the girls' fangirling.

While walking to his class, he saw (Y/n) in one of the smaller classrooms. The expression on her face was enough to make him stop in his tracks and look through the window on the door.

She was hurt, with her head looking down and her fingers wrapped so tightly on her violin that her knuckles turned white.

Tsukimori could tell that she was being scolded even though he couldn't hear the teacher. But he found it strange how (Y/n) was acting like that. She'd usually take the harsh criticism of others head-on.

It took him a while to walk away. He couldn't tell why but he wanted to interrupt her lesson. He wanted to hear what the teacher had to say. It was probably something very personal and besides, it wasn't his problem.


Hino almost fell but managed to steady herself. She immediately bowed and said a quick sorry to Tsukimori who only gave her an annoyed look.

"Wait, you're Tsukimori Len, right? We're in the concours together," she exclaimed with a smile.
"What? A girl from the general department? Can you even play an instrument?"
"Yes, I play the violin. I think I'm actually getting quite good, although I could use more practise."
"Like I care. Move out of the way."
"I'm Hino Kahoko. Nice to meet you."
"*sigh* Listen, I'm going to be late for class. I don't know how much general department students care about their studies, but I care about them enough to be punctual. So let me go."
"Oh, I'm sorry."

What an annoying girl, he thought.

Shimizu had just rushed past Tsukimori, hoping to meet (Y/n) before the bell rang for the start of a school day. He muttered a quick sorry when their arms bumped against each other.

(Y/n)'s POV

"You hear that?! You're not even worth teaching and yet, here I am, teaching the daughter of an alcoholic."
"H-how did you find out?"
"I have my ways. I'm not stupid, Miss (L/n). If you don't memorise these by the end of the week, I'm going to tell the police about your brother dealing with drugs."
"What?! No, don't! My brother has nothing to do with this!"
"Be quiet! If you don't want to get him involved, I suggest you start by respecting me as your teacher. And pay attention at all times, understand?"
"Good. You are dismissed."

I put my violin away and left the room. I clenched my fist, digging my nails into my skin. This was unfair...I saw Hajime sensei teaching the other, richer students with respect and awe. Why did he treat me like a lowlife? Was it because I wasn't rich like the other kids?

Tch, I didn't need a jerk as a teacher. I'd get better by myself, no matter how long it takes. I saw Keii and flashed him a forced smile. By the time I got to class, everyone was already seated and turned their heads when I entered.

"Sorry I'm late."

I went to my seat and slumped down with a heavy sigh. At least the worst part of the day was over. Now all I had to do was get through till the next day...and then repeat the same thing over and over again until I graduated.

"(L/n)-san, the teacher's calling out to you," exclaimed a student sitting behind me.
"So what's your answer?" asked the teacher.

I quickly glanced at the board and answered the question with as much formality as I could. Tch, I hated that stupid habit of mine. Well, I couldn't really complain about it.

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