Welcome To Saulson

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I guess I'll start from the beginning..
I mean just so y'all can get a feel of my life...
It was always me and my sister Corrie for the longest.. Matter of fact as long as I can remember..
She got to experience more of our birth mother than I did..
I think I only seen her one time in my life but I can't remember anything about her face.
Till this day my aunt Tisha, who I call my mom says my big sister Corrie looks just like and thicker version of her..
We grew up in Watts in our younger years,
My grandparents raised us up until the summer after I finished 5th grade and Corrie Finished the 8th..
and up until then everything we knew and became accustomed to was snatched from us..
We had never been out side of Watts.
We had no reason to, we just thought it was normal.
We thought that was life.
The neighborhood we came up in was Blood in, you know classic gang shit.
So because we were from there that's what we were affiliated with off rip..
My grandma did the best she could to take care of us but my grandfather had dementia so she could only do so much.. For the most part my sister Corrie did my hair, dressed me, fed me..
You know she was my everything, still is..
After my grandfather died my grandmother was no good and had to go to a nursing home..
I remember the day social services came to pick us up.. We didn't know anything but Watts..
but just like that everything had been snatched from us.. Corrie really tried to keep it all together for a while and it was okay for about a week until social services found out because the neighbors called on us..
When they picked up me and Corrie and took us in the back of the cop car to child protective services we must have sat in that office for like several hours it seemed...
It was the first day of summer break, last day of the school year..

Month of June,
Summer of 1996:

I got up to go ask the lady behind the desk a question and Corrie pulled me back..
"Rose! Where you going get over here and sit down before them people say something to us.."

"I'm coming back I just have a question.."

She sighed..
"Okay hurry up don't take long.."
She said letting my shirt go.
I nodded my head walking up to the counter..
The lady looked down out of the sliding glass at me rolling her eyes..

"What? We don't have no juices or candies or nothin' back here.."

"I don't want that, I was coming to ask do you know if they're gonna separate me and my sister because she's all I have.."

"I don't know, I just buzz people in the back..
All that other stuff ain't my job now go sit down!"
She said shooing me off..
I sighed.. dragging my feet,
going back to sit down by Corrie..

"What happened?
What'd you ask her?"
Corrie said..

I sighed..
It was silent for a second..
and even though we were both raised in the hood and grew up the way we did, we were also very intelligent and sharp..
Our grandma always kept our head in a book including the Bible..
We never missed one day of school or Sunday school for that matter..
I was good with Math and Literature..
and Corrie was basically good at EVERYTHING in life.. she was a soul survivor for real, FOR REAL!
I looked up to her so much for everything, I wanted to be just like her.
She was my role model..
I tugged on her shirt...
I said laying on her shoulder..

"What's wrong Rosie Posie.."
She said looking down smiling at me..

"Do you think they'll separate us?"

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