Be With Me...

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After I got done straightening up a bit in the backyard they were still inside partying..
I sat outside on top of the table with the roses by my side looking up at the stars..
I felt all kinds of ways..
Here I was trying to think hard about everything..
Yet it came down to one thing..
Those roses, something he'd never done for me before..

"Rosie Posie!"
I heard Corrie call from behind me shutting the back patio door..

I turned facing her..
"What's up Corr?"

She smiled coming around the table to face me..
She sat by me and looked up at the night sky..
"Beautiful ain't it?"
I nodded..
She leaned on me and grabbed my hand...
"Remember when you wanted to marry Uncle Junior?"
She said knocking into my shoulder as we both looked at each other laughing..
I rolled my eyes..

"Don't even try it!
I was only 11 going on 12 I didn't know any better..
Shit you wanted to marry Sisqó's weirdo ass!"

"Oh hell NO!
You was on some hill billy type shit that's different,.
I still do wanna marry Sisqó, Pook know to..
You know I been tryna save up to go to a Dru Hill concert front row,
that nigga can sing me right up out my panties YA HEARD!"

"Nah fam I was too busy tryna get Brandon from Jagged Edge to sing me outta mine!"

"Him too! Okay!"

"He can't love you like I love you baby you know it to, and you she never wanna be with a man.. if he can't be a man and do the things to you like I can!"
We both sang

"Shoot all then niggas from that era...
They can all get a feel, you know!"
I shook my head as she held onto me and we look up into the stars...
"Hey thanks for holding my kids down even after I came at you on some bullshit...
Says a lot about your character Posie.."

I nodded..
"I would never turn away my babies...
But nah it's cool...
You know I been thinking about what you said and how you said it ever since that went down at the hospital..
And honestly I can be selfish..
You told the truth about a lot of things.
And tho it may have came off harsh, it is what it is..
I just found out about Yolanda's letters, I also got a chance to talk to her one on one..
And I understand now..
I can't take back how I used to feel towards her but I am growing a new found understanding and love in my heart for her..
I'm trying Corr..
Tryna be a better me.."
She wiped my tear..

"I know you are..
you always do..
Look I didn't mean that shit I said..
I was just hurting because it really just hit me that Aunt Tisha has cancer..
Shit fucks with me..
But that was no excuse for me to spazz on anybody..
But you, you should know how much you mean to me and the kids..
And how truly special you are..
And I'm glad you get to understand Yolanda and where she's coming from.."
I smiled kissing her cheeks..
"Waddup with the roses?"
She said picking them up and smelling them..

I shook my head..
"Girl Lance came by to bring them for me.."
She looked at me with big eyes..

"Oooh shit! I didn't even know he showed up"

"I know me either.."
I sighed..

Her phone started ringing and she answered and said
Alright don't trip we heading out now...
She looked at me..
"Girl let me go get these kids so we can head back to the crib and drop Yolanda at her crib..
Can you tell Pookie I'm at home, I'ma let him stay and have his little fun..
He always so good to me and the kids I can't even trip.."

Hood Fluent (Michael B. Jordan FanFic) EDITING!!!Where stories live. Discover now