#2 / In the shower

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I was in Logan's house no one was there so I was in my maverick hoodie and my Calvin Klein underwear in Logan's room. I heard someone opening the bedroom door.
L: Oh.... Hey baby... W...hat are u... Doing he..here? *he said nervous because I was almost naked u know....
J: Oh hey baby where is Brandon and Evan...and everyone. Biting my lip
L: in the...c..club... So Netflix?
J: Yeah but I need a shower first. Going to the bathroom and opening the water thing.
L: do u mind if I enjoy u baby?
J: well.... Not really. Smirking. I finish naked in the water and Logan too the soap "fall" and I said ups! When I go down for it I feel his dick to close to me and I moaning my hand go to his dick and he like it really I can tell.
L: ba....baby what are... You....doing? Trying not to moan
J: A pretty good work .
L: Oh baby. He grab his dick and put it into me making me a moaning mess
L: Did u like that baby.... Do u like the work....
J: yes d...da..daddy yes....I...uhhh... Yes! I am gonna come.... Baby
L: wait just a second....ahhh...yes ....u so fucking thigh now baby girl....
We both came and shower again because we smell bad lol we sleep.....that's all guys sorry if was t short and not good I'm tired sorry bye love y'all ❌❤️

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