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**/ Your P.O.V /**

We are at Coachella Logan didn't want to come he tell me that he it's not a really good fan of Coachella, But Mike buy us the tickets so fuck it we packed everything and get the tings in Evan's car yeah we ask him before okay? So we where in our way to Coachella.

**/  Skip the trip  /**

We get to Coachella and Logan and I have a room and Mike, Mac and Spencer have another one, we unpacked and I laid in the bed Logan came to me.

L; Are u excited baby? *laying down with me on the bed*
J; Yeah! Really excited, u? *he nodded* I'm going to take a shower.
He grab me by my wrist and now I'm on top of him, he put his hands on my hips and I go down to kiss him then go to his neck and leave some hickeys where nobody can see them his breath got heavier and then he change our positions he is now on top of me and go back to my lips we make out for like 5min. Then he go to my neck and kiss it he remove my shirt and my shorts *always shorts lol* I remove his shirt and put my hands behind his neck he know that I love when he leave his love marks in my neck. I moan when he go to my neck because I could feel his breathing against my neck JESUS! THIS MEN DRIVE ME CRAZY! He goes more faster and goes down to my stomach and then my private parts, he put his hand in my pussy and rubbed my clit I begin to moan a little bit loud Logan looked at me and smirk.

L; You need to be a little bit more quiet Baby girl 😏.

He begin to unclip my bra and put it away then go to my panties they where now so wet he looked at them and bit his bottom lip he look at me so I can give him permission I nodded and he took my panties off of me, he begin to insert one of his fingers in my pussy I couldn't control myself in being quiet so I moan loudly he then inserts another finger, they are two of his fingers in my vagina he move them quickly and I couldn't be stable there in the bed it fells so good and Logan's boner was growing but then the least thing that we want to happen someone nock on the door Logan looked at me and laughed quietly a little bit I was naked so I go to the room bathroom and Logan got the door (he has his pants on don't worry).
/ Logan's P.O.V /
I was so horny and about to get off my pants but then I heard a nock on the door and Jessica was naked so I tell her to go to the bathroom and I get the door....

SORRY!!!!!! I know I know why?! Yeah ok... look guys I have a lot of things going on so yeah I don't really have a lot of time these day to write and post so yeah I'm so sorry because I'm so late! 💔 Sorry I will try to write the second part of this today and post it today but I don't know I'm not sure because I have basketball practice today so yeah I will think about it but yeah now i need to go i have school. ❤️❤️1️⃣8️⃣➕

-Leslie E.

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