#5 / Back to LA?

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 Hi guys Leslie here so let's go to the story!!!! *lol*

 / Flash back /

L; What?!, Why can I not talk to my girlfriend?! *Erika just put the back camera and in the screen it was me and Daniel dancing to close to each other.......kissing FUCK!!!!!!😭

/ End of flash back /

Your P.O.V 

It has been 4 days since the accident happen, the day on the club when Logan saw us Erika immediately hang up and call me where she was, and explain everything to me I was crying, I go back to Logan's house in a Uber I try to call Logan but he didn't answer any of them I make a BIG FUCKING MISTAKE!!! I'm so dumb how could, I do this to Logan?, the one that help in everything, the one that...... I.... I love!...........That's it! Yes I love Logan....But I screw everything up... But after 4 days He is finally going to be home and we can talk, I hear the door opens *I was on the couch* and I saw the one and only Logan Paul.... I go to him and hug him I miss him really.

J; Logan.. I... I'm so so so sorry it wasn't the intention...I.... I love you. 

Logan's P.O.V

This last's days has been really bad for my in my relationship with Jessica, well yeah she kiss another boy but before Erika hang up I saw Jessica pull away, I want to run to Jessica right now but i can't just leave Hawaii I wasn't feeling okay so I was disconnected from social media.... I was thinking *wow* about Jessica today I'm going back to LA and I decide to give her another chance, why?, well... bec - cause I.... Love her! yes I love Jessica that's it I love her and I want her she send me a lot of messages explaining everything and I believe her, we go back to LA and we go to the house I opened the door and I saw her there in the couch she run to me and..

  J; Logan.. I... I'm so so so sorry it wasn't the intention...I.... I love you. *Those words.... Fuck i'm in love with her I love her and she too*

L; I love you too baby girl. *WE kiss passionate like we never kiss me before  the best day of my life it was 6:30 pm. right now so I ask her*, do you want to go on a date with me?

J; Of course Mr. Paul.

L; Okay so now go and change put something elegant but sexy. *smirk*, because we don't know if we will need that. *I give her a kiss and she go upstairs i was already change i'm not really into that but I change in the plane they have showers on it (yeah I know it's like the Dubai one.), so I'm good.*

MAKEUP ^^^^^

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MAKEUP ^^^^^

MAKEUP ^^^^^

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You and Logan get ready and leave, you finish your food and then go back to the house when you guys get in the house Logan began to kiss you and you kiss back it got really intense, he carry you to his room and.....

You little pervs. lol okay so guys as you can read next chapter its going to be a smut so please vote for it and add the story so you don't miss anything, I' so sorry that today I couldn't make a more interesting or long one but I'm tires school it's crazy it's just like high school!!! agh. okay bye guys lvy.


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