#7 / Birthday Present! *not smut*

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Your P.O.V

Tomorrow is Logan's Birthday and he is going camping, I personally don't want to go and Logan is going with friend, I just want to be home and pass my time there, lie I get it is my boyfriend's birthday but ahh..... I just don't want to go and Logan said that it's okay but before he goes i'm going to give him his gifts yeah I have two gifts. I heard the door open, and saw Logan, I go running to him and he lifted me. 

L; Hey baby! *kissing me*

J; *I pull away* Hello handsome, tomorrow is your birthday how do you feel to be 23?, well.. almost 23.

L; Good I feel like an adult *I giggle, he put me down* 

J; First of all you know that I'm not going with you to camping but I have two gifts to give you baby. *He smirk*. Omg you pervert.

L; I'm waiting for them... *biting his bottom lip. I kiss him*

J; First gift baby, ready? *He nods*. Okay here baby. * I give him a box that has a Gucci ring on it with  a Gucci cart* That cart you cannot read it until tomorrow, in your birthday. *He kiss you and hug you*

L; Babe you shouldn't do this, but I love it, and thank you baby girl I love you, and yeah I will read you cart "tomorrow" =)

J; Now what time are you going comping?

L; In like 4 hours, why? *he looked at me smirking I just smile*

J; To give you, your second gift. * I get closer to him*

L; Well I'm waiting baby. *we began to kiss, and the kiss got intense he lift me up and we go upstairs (we are at my house so no one is there and yeah I have a house lol, in the story by my own) he began to kiss my neck and........ he get a call* sorry baby I need to take this.

J; It's okay just go! * I'm trowing Logan a surprise party Monday basically at night, because of the f*cking camping thing but i'm fine with it he wanted to do it and btw it's his f*cking birthday so yeah. And Logan's manager it's going to help me. Logan got back*

 L; F*ck baby I need to go now but I see you Monday? *He looked sad and horny lol*

J; It's okay baby, your other surprise can wait don't worry. *We  kiss and he left I will miss him and the incredible sex too. lol.*

/ There is no going to be a second part of this chapter sorry /

Hey guys sorry that this is a short one but today is a record two in a day OMG!!!!! lol. So yeah tomorrow is Logan's Birthday! ( LA time) 23 years old jesus so sexy! haha I hope you like it..........well a little bit! bye.

-Leslie E.

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