#6 / Back To LA? part 2

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 You and Logan get ready and leave, you finish your food and then go back to the house when you guys get in the house Logan began to kiss you and you kiss back it got really intense, he carry you to his room and.....

/End of Review/

..... you stop him  (disappointing ha!).

J; Baby.... wait.

L; What? *He said a little bit annoyed that I stopped him*

J; My mom is calling *I show him my phone*

L; Ahh.... answer if u want. *I send a quick message to my mom and throw my phone and Logan just look at me, I was standing there in front of him (he was sitting on the couch), i began to take my dress of, Logan bit his bottom lip and just look at me, I get closer to him.  I was now above Logan and I whisper on his ear*

J; She said that she can wait... now what daddy?


Logan grab my ass and he kiss me, passionately, aggressively, and he was now taking control of everything.  He leave little hickeys around my neck i began to let out little moans from my mouth."save it baby" He said. F*ck it feels so good, he started to take off his clothes, at that moment we both were naked."Logan.... Please!" I beg him, because I was basically shaking of his touch. "What do you want daddy to do baby?" He said, and I just looked at him. "You need to use words babe" Putting his hands in my wrist. "I... w-want you to... F*ck me please daddy...I..n-eed you Logan, please daddy!" I REALLY need him I was so wet. "Can you please fuck me daddy" I said. "I will love to do it baby girl" We switch positions, he was now above me, I love this side of him so dominant is just so sexy. He begin to insert him self in my p*ssy, it was painful, but in a couple of seconds it was a good sensation, all the pain just go away, I need more of him I need him to go faster, harder, it feels so good. " OMG!, Lo-Logan please go faster" I said. " Are u sure baby?" He said, I nod "please" I said, He goes faster and harder he was so good at this I love him, he is the one (bad moment to think about this lol). "Jessica I- I'm gonna c-come" He said. "Me too Lo-Logan". We both came and we coddle in his bed. "You know what?, I love you for real, I know that you are the best thing that had happen to me baby girl, thanks for bee here, I love you" He said kissing me. " I love you too Logan, and you are the best thing that happen to me too, you are the best babe, I love you" We fall a sleep...

**/ There is not a continuation of this chapter /**

Hey guys sorry yeah I know late SORRY okay, but what ever I want to say thank you'all for all the support i love you guys! thanks for reading, I hope you guys like it!!!!

- Leslie E.

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