#4 / Hawaii + CHEATING

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Hello guys!, LOOK AT THE IMAGE FIRST ^^^...Leslie here, so basically I just want to say sorry for no spelling the words well I'm just not good at it. In the last chapter i ask u guys if you want drama so.... DRAMA!! Here it comes this shout out is for @IamnotSapphire so yeah guys thank you for all the support now lets go to the story..

I woke up by someone kissing all over my face (again lol) It was Logan one of his hands was in my wrist and the other one in my face i just laugh, he notice that i woke up and stop, then he was now starring at me and me too.

J; What? *I said whispering to his ear, he was to close to my face*

L; Nothing its just.... I'm gonna miss you....so...so...MUCH. *He said pecking my lips*

J; Me too baby, but its just for a few days..... Nothing it's going to happen, okay? We are just fine babe *I put my hands behind his neck*. And then like... I don't know we can get a... Maybe a vacation for the two of us.. *I said looking in to his blue eyes WHAIT WTF ??? Am I falling for LOGAN??*

L; That.... Baby girl it's a pretty good idea. *He kiss me and i kiss back, but his phone rang, we pull away*. Crap it's my manager I need to take this babe okay? *I nod*

What the hell just happen, a vacation just for LOGAN and I??? But why, no no no no this is.... What I'm so confuse right now, This is normal right?... Yes yes yes... i get up and do Logan's suitcase, yep he is going today, F*CK, i'm really going to miss him, he's my Boyfriend like....Ahh this is so bad, Why ?... well i don't know I just fell weird when I'm close to Logan I fell, like everything it's going to be okay.... Anyway Logan finish his call and go back inside with me in the room*

L; thanks for doing this Jessica, i am going to miss you. *We finish packing and its time to said our goodbyes, we go to the airport and we give our kiss of goodbye and everything, I went back to the house and get a text from my friend Erika Costell*

/ Texts E = Erika /.

E; Hey girl team ten and I are going to the club do you want to go? (in this story Jake and Erika didn't go to Hawaii, Chloe too).

J; What time? (Now it's 5 pm.)

E; At 8? Is that good for you?

J; Of curse i will be in the team ten mansion in a few hours okay?

I miss Logan already I don't know why.... well maybe because he is my boyfriend or something like that?.... Anyways... I'm going to the club I diced that tonight i'm not going to drink because i don't want anything bad happen and more now that Logan is not here so yeah i'm going o put something not to sexy and extravagant.... I put this on.

I did my make up and it was already 7:40 pm

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I did my make up and it was already 7:40 pm. Shit!! i was running late, the team ten house was like 20 min. Away but with this LA traffic its like 35 - 40 min. SHIT!!! I need to call Erika..

/ Phone call E & J /

J; Hey Erika I'm running late sorry!

E; Hey no problem, look the club is close from Logan's house it's like 10 min. Wait for us there the club it's call (the club name).

J; Thank you so much Erika.

E; Hey it's okay don't worry hehe okay bye because we are going see ya.

We hang up, I get all of my things and go to my BMW car i drove all top the club i saw them and go to them i said hi to everyone we get in, I didn't drink all night, a guy come to me and begin to talk to me.

unknown = Uk (lo)

Uk; Hey cutie whats your name?

J; Jess?..

Uk; Hey Jess i'm Daniel, i was standing there *pointing to the spot* and let me tell you, you are really hot... * i could tell that he was drunk but... I'm not gonna lie he was hot too*

J; Thanks?... I guess.. *Damn he was hella cute I mean...*

D; Do you want to dance with me? *A romantic song plays*

I'm not doing something wrong right it's just a dance what could happen? I nod and follow him.

Logan's P.O.V.

We land on Hawaii finally, we arrive like 2 hours ago Evan,Brendan, Andy, and Andy's fiance is here we all showered and we prepare to go to dinner, I miss Jessica already, I try to call her a couple of time but she didn't answer I thought that she will be with her best friend Erika so I face time her.

/ Face time between E & L /

E; Hey Logan Whats up?

L; Were are you? *because of all of the sound*

E;.....mmm.... in the club?

L; is Jessica with you?

E; Yeah she is here... Why?

L; Where, can I talk to her?


L; What?!, Why can I not talk to my girlfriend?! *Erika just put the back camera and in the screen it was me and Daniel dancing to close to each other.......kissing FUCK!!!!!!😭

What will happen next don't forget to vote, comment what do you think will happen next chapter and if you want it smut that's all, love y'all
- Leslie ❤️

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