What Would They Think?!

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/ Your POV /
Logan and I are in a....mm... relationship? I think we'll not really it's difficult, Logan always flirts with me and I do too, we kiss a couple of times but I don't think he wants this to go to the next level. I go to Logan's house and park my car in front of the garage and enter the house.

L; Hey cutie! *he give me a kiss in the lips*
J; So no one is home... right? *i mumbled*
L; What is that supposed to mean? *he look at me confused*
J; Nothing just forget it... *i looked away*
L; No!, tell me... *he make me look at him*
J; Well you just show me affect when no one is home.. *i said a little bit quiet he looked at me and giggle a little bit I was like WHATS SO FUNNY?! this bitch 😂 he took my hand and go to the kitchen and everyone was there Logan put his hands around my wrist and I look at him confused everyone was now looking at us*
L; That's not true baby *he look at me direct in the eye and kiss me passionately and a little slow everyone was on shock even me he pull away I didn't want to but whatever he then look at everyone else and said* We will be back in a couple of hours *he look at me and took my hand, he took me to my car and drive us to my apartment I was completely shook we weren't talking till he break the ice* Jessica I love u, you know that right? And I'm not just using you in bed I really want something with u, will u be my girlfriend? *i look at him in more shook now jeje and said ir yell YES! He look at me and smile I smile back at him and peck his lips we arrived and he took me to the elevator he look at me and kiss me a little roughly I kiss him back bitting his bottom lip I let go a moan he put his hands around my wrist and took me to my apartment when the elevator got to the floor I open the door fast and put all of my things in the sofa, he took of his jacket and I took mine he kiss me more and more then go down to my neck and leave soft kisses down there, I moan more and Logan couldn't resist more he took off his shit and said "damn baby girl you make want u so much when u moan and when u call out my name, What's my name baby girl?" He said slapping my ass not too hard tho I whisper/yell "da-daddy.." he took my shit and my pants angrily but in a good way? 😑




You are almost there

Yeah I know

This wasn't good...

But Imma try to make them better!

Don't worries 😌

I will come back with a pretty smut one 😏


You 🤝

Need to...

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Now see ya 👋 don't forget that...

- Leslie E.

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