COACHELLA!!! ❤️ / part 2

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/ Logan's p.o.v. /
I get the door and it's MARK!!! I yelled.
L; MARK!!! What are you doing here at Coachella?
M; Well you know just having some fun here with Kaylee, and where is Jessica?
Came on just go already mark Fuck!!
L; She is in the bathroom, so yeah you know I talk to you later? Okay bye! *I close the door in his face then go back to Jessica*
J; Hi... *she said timid and awkwardly*

I grab her from her wrist and put her against the bathroom wall, I kiss her neck and leave more love marks, she call out my name (yeah you right the weekend - Call oh my name😏) I get rid off my pants and my boxers I grab her closer to me.
/. Your p.o.v. /
Logan got rid off his pants and his boxers he grabs me closer to him and begin inserting himself into my vagina he goes slowly so I can adjust to his massive dick, I adjust to his dock and I wanted more I move Bach and forward so now he knows that I want him to go faster he get closer to my ear and whispered "I want you to ride me baby girl" (with no handlebars 😂) he pick me up and he lay in the bed I got above him and insert his dick in me I begin to moan and he too, I begin to go more faster.

L; Yeah... Baby r-right t-t-there..ahhhhh... Ahh babe... you're s-so t-thigh ahhh.. fuck.. *he said moaning*
J; L-daddy y-you a-are s-o big! Ahh Fuck... I'm gonna cum b-babe! *I moan almost screaming*
L; c-cum for d-daddy b-baby girl *We both cum and we laid in bed I looked at him*
J; You are the best thing that had happen to me Logan, I love you baby. 💕
L; You too babe, I love you too Jessica. 💕

We kiss and then we go to get a shower and get ready for the day because game on is COACHELLA!!!!

Hey guys I know late again sorry problems!, I got a question what do you want next;
Instagram chapter
• Normal chapter
Comment!!! Love y'all 💕
-Leslie E.

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