the window the boy

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(y.n) = your name

(l.n) = last name

(f.c) = favorite color

im sorry if the chapters are short :/
Its a casual monday night at your house in Thunder Bay Ontario canada, ~this is where I live btw so deal with it ~author chan out~ ) you were bored out of your small teenage mind. parents gone for weeks  leaving you home alone. AGAIN. Your father was a lawyer and your mom was an customer service team adviser working for the government in the largest building in the province. You lived in a 2 story house in the country. Just outside of the city. You loved it out here it was peaceful and barely any cars came by. Peaceful what is there not to love about it right? Your property was extremely large and you had lots of space to roam around freely. 15 acres to be exact.  Your "parents" were always working and always gone. i guess you could say they werent your parents, i mean oyu were abandoned at the child services when you were a baby and they adopted you. meaning there your parents to some degree. Your ''family'' was a wealthy one and they only expected the same from you.  They wanted you to be a doctor. But you denied it all your life. you wanted to be an artist, your way to look at the world was more dark then anything and you liked it that way. So they eventually gave up trying to convince you and gave up on you entirely. You were always alone. You had a boyfriend once but that's a different story definitely for a different time. You were depressed and suicidal for years. no one could help you or so that's how it felt. but as it always is no one ever noticed. ever.  You saw hundreds of therapists and yet nothing worked you lived off pop tarts, Doritos and anti-depressants. You had siblings but you hated them all. You were a single child till your father married the she troll after your original adoptive mom died.   daughter into the family. You hated them.  your sister was a princess that got all she wanted, you only got a fraction of what your ''sister'' got. You hated your family with a burning passion. You always felt like you never did belong. Your hair is a dark black  and you have the oddest shade of violet for eyes. Weird for sure. You were always in a bad mood barely ever happy. Yep this was the good life. (Note sarcasm)

As you leaned out the large frame of your window in your dark bedroom, the wind brushed through your  tangled hair and howled into the night. Leaving a trail of mystery behind every step it takes. The skies were dark and the stars were vivid in the night skies it seemed that the sky was absent of all clouds. But the clouds that were visible were shaky and are slow to cross the sky, the night breeze was warm on your pale skin you brushed your dark hair slightly with your fingers. Deep inside you cherrished the way the night was so peaceful. a small smile crept upon your face. you gazed across your neighborhood, different shapes and sizes of houses crept along the road, a small side walk on each side it seemed as if you were the only living thing in the entire neighborhood. Glancing across the street in the corner of you eye you saw something, A small dark figure cought your eyes. It was a figure of what seemed to be a boy, about your age, maybe older... 17 maybe. he had a white hoodie, and black jeans. His hoodie had something off about it the longer you stared you seem to notice dark patches, no... not patches... you though to yourself for a slight second then your crooked reality hit you like a subway train.

-that, blood !?

you back away from the window and close it. sorry that was a little to Nice, you smashed it closed in terror,

-your fine, your ok, your just tripping, just tripping, too many fucking horror movies. remind me to burn those in the near future and get rid of all things scary

you glance back to the window just to make sure your not going cray cray, the figure is gone. you take a deep exagerated sigh of relief. You wiped your forehead from sweat. You chuckled to yourself

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