the meet and greet

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-Are we there yet?
-Are we there yet?
-Are we there yet?

you casually say for the hundredth time. In the passed hours you were getting insanely bored with all the walking through the dark infinite woods.being the lazy ass you were and the fact that you were tackled out of bed at 3 in the morning. You could say you were like a child sitting in an empty room for 12 hours... yeah that child would probably be screaming for the lack of things to do.

- shut the fuck up you fucking baby already were here.

jeff said in a grumpy type of tone rolling his eyes gesturing to the large home. or more like a mansion looking house

You look up too see a huge mansion it looked like it was here for centuries and it looked like it needed renovation, big time renovation.

you were suprised you didn't know it was there. you walk up to the big dark wooden doors with jeff. there was no door bell anywhere just a large knocker with the face of a monster. so a knock knock on the large doors would suffice. You slam your palm against the door smiling. this place is so cool


 the door opens slowly. At first all you can see is darkness Emitting from the space in front of you. A tinted light finally appears clearing the view of the inside. then all of a sudden your tackled to the ground by something large, fuzzy and with claws. You screamed loudly

-dear lord help me get it off!!! help me!!im gonna get raped by a dog!! A very heavy slobbery dog!!!

It licked your face sevral times before you could finally push off its massive weight. Crawling back four feet.

- hey be a little nice would ya, I have a name! its  smile and you don't seem very nic. HEY! are you jeff's new girlfirend?!. he seemed to give you a wink or something like that you couldn't really tell considering its a flipping talking dog

-You can t-talk? a dog can talk! and oh my god ew no im not, i'm taken...or used to be at least... BUT IM NOT WITH FUCK ASS RIGHT HERE you pointed at jeff aggressively. knowing how much your gonna hold a grudge against him for attempting to end your life and dragging you to a creepy old mansion.

- heck yeah im not a normal dog I'm-  

he was cut off by a very tall man with no face and very pale, like not normal pale like intensely white paper skin. His fingers were long and bony and he was incredibly slim for such a tall stature. you could surely see his ribcage if he had not been wearing a suit. He looked about 8-9 feet tall compared to your small height at 5'7 he was huge and terrifying considering he was a monster and he just plain freaked you out.

- I have heard that Jeff has found one of my kin...

-What the fuck?

his booming voice fills your head and you cover your ears. it sounded like someone blew a blow horn in your ear for 6 hours and left you with the worlds biggest headache, and the fact that you had lost a lot of blood from the wound Jeff gave you.. it didn't really help.  It 'looks' down at you and what seemed to be a small creepy smile crept on his 'face' or whatever you wanna call it cause he sure in hell aint human. His perfectly visible cheek bones rising. A black tendril identicle to yours wraps around you and pulls you up to him. you struggle to move but you cant. out of instinct your tendrils came out flailing and hitting him but he didn't move an inch. 

-Fuck fuck fuck fuck

your officially stuck in this 'guy's' grip. you just thought you might as well give up cause you aint going no where anytime soon. When he starts talking your head feels like its being driven into with a jack hammer. AGAIN. He starts to blabber (somehow) to you in a calm tone and your mind just switches to ignoring mode.

- yeah no, im done with talking today so if you could just lay low on the sermon-

He keeps talking

-well here we go again with the story time yay me! *fml*

~le time skip, brought to you by slendy's life lecture ( and because im lazy again)~

A girl  jumped out from behind a tree flipped jeff and tried to stab him many times. till eventually they broke out into a large dual. they broke it off and he was obviously tired. You both entered the house walking in, the bright light from a crystal chandelier lit up the room. It was an enormous amount of space before you and it was filled with people of all shapes creepiness and standards and all that creepy shit. You felt like you were safe with them. You felt....protected...happy? what would you even call this feeling.... but one thing you did feel was that, you didn't feel like one of them. Many of them approached me and spoke kindly while speaking to the bunch or creeps, your 'father' was examining your... tendrils as if you were a rare species of animal or something whatever the hell he's doing its creepy as shit. lay off bro. Some others ignored your presence completely giving dirty looks and muttering incoherent words under their breaths... lets just say you're gonna have some friends and some enemys. Hardcore enemys.

you felt more comfortable here than at your real home. after all, you barely knew a real family of your own, you practically raised yourself. Tought yourself and tried to pull yourself throught all the pain and torture you went through at school and in general.

lets just say you had a big solitude 'problem'. no one liked you. You were the outcast. The reject. The hated. And the fact that your 'parents' were always gone, leaving you alone. Didn't help with the fact that you always felt alone.

(A/N) thx for reading im gonna update soon

~author chan

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