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you cut your arm multiple times and each of the scars healed, you were soo pissed off.

~time skip brought to you by laziness~

after kate broke into an alchoholic's house, she brought back all the alcohol.

you didint want any at first, everyone was drinking, then suddenly, many loud bang's were heard. there was a broken beer bottle and a druck ass jeff at the bottom of the stairs. you laughed your ass off. unknowingly a tall girl with long ragdoll arms and a black suit passed you a beer bottle. "hi, my name is stalker woman, but you can call me stalky!." you gladly accepted, because she seemed nice ebough. one beer bottle went to 12 bottles. you were screaming and laughing an just being plain old you except more perverted and bubbly. slender was'nt home so you had your way with the mansion. you could go anywhere, anytime! you shakily walked up to a female looking clown, fighting another female looking clown. both looked like fadded colors from the original. one more resembled a rag doll than anything. you grabbed your empty bottle of whiskey from your pocket and smashed it against the clown looking girl's head. she hit the floor with a loud thump. You grabbed another bottle from toby who was passes out on the floor. you aimed it at the ragdoll. "whoa, whoa, whoa! put the bottl down, i dont wanna go out like she did."

you looked at her."shes not dead, she'll be fine. she will have a hell of a head ache when she wakes up though."

"oh ok," she huffed a sigh, "my name is giggling molly, but molly is fine"."(Y/N), nice to meet you molly." "hey (y/n) u want some candy kidneys?" "some what?" "oh its just a little candy me and kate created, its super good, try some!" she handed you a candy apple, but instead of the apple, it was a fresh cut out kidney.you took a large bite into it, "OMG its soooo goood!!!"

"i know right!" she told you that kate was off on a Cruise with someone called lady, it never came to your mind again after that, but what struck your mind was that you suddenly heard a light ringing in your ears. 'fuck me' suddenly slender man walked through the door, walking over the passed out proxie. everyone yelped as ringing was heard by everyone. 'WHATS GOING ON? I LEAVE THE HOUSE FOR A WEEK AND THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED!, ALL OF YOU TO YOU ROOMS NOW!'

you dad was pissed. you waved bye to you new friends and walked to you room.

~the next morning brought to you by you smashing in laughing jill's skull~~~~~~

you went down stairs to get aome coffee, but you did'nt have a hang over. its was all cool in the morning, same routine, go see trender for killimg clothes and styles, stay away from smexy. tea party with sally, ball pit party with splendy, then kate gets home,

*after all the activities*

you were sitting on the couch with molly eating candy kidneys, then the door slams open, kate come flying through covered in blood. you ran up to her and gave her a hug. "hey kate, did you have fun?" " yeah sure did, and i got a crap load of kidneys!" you chatted a bit then noticed a tall girl with long blonde hairand a black dress, walked up to splender and gave him a hug. you standed there in awe and splender swung her around in circles "lady, your back!" "sure am splendy" you look at kate "is that the famous lady?" "yes it is, but if i might add, she isint fairly good with strangers or other people in general. thats why she does not normally live in the mansion. but she still has a room," "oh ok" you looked at the two before continuing you conversation. you sat on the couch, then you felt a tender but bony hand on your shoulder, you turned to be greeted with a pair of eyes, one of them was blue and the other was green. but long blonde hair hung infront of her face, sort of like a veil. she whispered into your ear, "hello red rose......

(A/N) hope you enjoy the chapter go look for lady's back story in my works, im progressing with both story's so i may be late on some update dues any way

bye my lovlies!

~lady death!


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