the ugly truth

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(Re-edited) (I am such a loser I swear to god)

your body still in shock you manage the words, 

- A-A-A W-What 

 jeff simply rolls his eyelidless eyes and grunts. Loudly.

-We are immmortal, kinda... uh phycopathic killers who are way too fangirled, fanfic written and sex appealed. like i mean really, we have more of a fangirl army than One direction and god do those gay boys suck ass

you answer in a sofisticated smart ass tone (because yo sassy af)

-And thats supposed to help me how smart one?

- ugghh *huff* just pack your shit and hurry your ass up im not waiting all fucking day i already sent a  mesage to your faceless father and he want to see you at the mansion pronto or he'll hang me from a tree. So get your fat ass into gear

jeff says in a slightly calm tone. yet he was extremely irratating. You jump up and nearly fall flat onto your face.

-MY ASS IS NOT FAT!!! And what makes you think im going with you! and where are we going anyway,  you got some explaining to do im not going to any 'mansion' with you mister show up at my house try to kill me and stab me. I'm not going anywhere with you, for all i know you could try to kill me again!, or worse! like rape me or something for all I know

You went to continue your dreadful sermon but-

-You just couldn't keep your mouth shut

he put his cold hand on your mouth and told you to shut the fuck up..... Again

~~~~~~~le time skip brought to you by your big motor mouth ( because I'm a lazy ass mofo and im already finding this hard enough as it is ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

your still packing your stuff trying to find the proper things to bring to your new 'home' I guess you could call it that, your wordrobe consists of band tee's, ripped jeans, black leggings and a hundred diffrent colored converses shoes, yep total emo makeover. You were stuffing things high and low into your duffle bag. Jeff starts to get annoyed, like seriously annoyed, you can see the frustration in the way he looks at you. and when he 'looks' at you normally  its creepy as fuck either way. like he makes grown men want to curl up in a ball and cry until they die. Im being serious. My dad would shiat himself. literally cause he's a fucking pussy ass little bitch.

- dear lord zalgo, how long does it take to pack clothes and items like HOLY FUCK! I wish I had killed you when I had the chance! dear zalgo you girls now a days!! Oh i nedd 100 pounds of makeup on my face all day every day. I need to change 40 times a day and can never agree to anything!

you just rolled your eyes and you finished up. Mocking him with little hand signals

-Meh meh meh meh meh! calm your tiny balls. There smiles! I'm finished

you finally zip up your duffle bag and start to head for the door across your bed room slamming the door to your walk in closet. Strutting to the door (cause i can) (doin that strider stride, (lol homestuck reference))

he's about to jump out the window when he takes a sudden stop.

-you coming out this way or not? oh and by the way never call me smiles. EVER! or i will honestly kill you for real this time and I won't back down!

you say you going out the front door like a human being and he nods in agreement shrugging it off. you run down the stairs and out the black cherry wood door. turning off all the lights in the house. You pause at he street light jeff was once standing under. you turn to look back at the house you once lived in,

-goodbye old house, i will never miss you!! fucking pain in the ass was all you ever were to me anyway,

 you hung your head low and you thought as you walk into the woods infront of your house petting your one of many tendrills awkwardly as they seemed to have a mind of their own.
"Tonight is gonna be a long long night"

(A/N) thanks alot for reading i will update soon

~ author chan

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