the perv and the male fashonista??

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slendy could barely make out his name. " dad," thats the first time i called him that " whats his name?" slendy barely replied but it eventually came out in a studder. " sexualoffenderman...or smexy..." " well that makes sense."slendy walks out of your room to give you some alone time. you decided to go downstairs for open your bedroom door too see BEN standing outside of it looking like he was about to knock.

BEN's p.o.v

As i walk up to (y/n)'s i get nervous. come on you can do this. man up dude. im about to knock and then the door opens. oh loving crap. i nearly fall back at the fact that she was at the door. " uh morning, i was wondering if i could bring you to breakfast?" " hey thanks for the offer but im grabbing some food and heading back into my room". (y/n) said " oh....ok " i walk downstairs grab some food and go to my room.

(y/n)'s p.o.v

as i walk downstairs to in my p.j's i hear a scream/yelp. i turn around to see an other slender except he did not have tentacles. he wore a brown suit and a brown matching fedora. he pulled you up to his 'face' and started. " darling you cant walk around i those monstrosities. i must get you in something a little more...flashy or no... wait yes sparkly!" he dragged you by your arm into his 'room'. all i wanted to do is eat.... after he 'fashionised' you, you went downstairs to have everyone stare with there jaws hanging open. you were wearing a short pink strapless dress and matching heels. oh lord " im not hungry anymore". you run upstairs into your room and throw the dress off of you and hop on your bed. boy living here is gonna be tough.....

muahhahahaha its the end for now i will update soon luv u all byes

~lady death

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