muahahahahahah jack

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you wake up from your series of daydreaming by masky swinging his large gloved hand in front of your pale face. You blinked twice and looked him in the eyes

- hey (y/n). helloooo, earth to (y/n)

you back up a little jumping back to reality. You kicked yourself in the ass (in your head)

- Oh uh... thanks I guess, and its okay... im sure this was an incident on both our sides...hehe

-your welcome, I got to go report back to your father se you soon (y.n). Oh and try not to get in trouble. You know how much trouble like to follow you around don't-cha?

he waved and walked off in the direction he was going in before your mishap

-well that was weird.

you walk down the halls of the stunningly large mansion, slender said my door would be different.... You looked at all the doors they were either a fancy pattern of some kind or just a plain color. Then..BAM there it was, the only door like it, it as a dark red the color of blood and it had a black rose carved into it, now noticing that all the other doors had there own unique carvings. you turn the door handle opening the door, all of your things were placed on a queen sized bed with black and red sheets and blankets. The all matched your door. You felt like you were in one of those themed Hotel rooms.
the room was big and had a fairly large closet, desk and plenty of other decorations, paintings, posters all that stuff. you waltz over to your bed and rummage through your bags pulling out your laptop. You grinned like the Cheshire Cat and flipped it open.
You opened a new tab on Google and went on YouTube. searching through your favorite channels to clear your mind for a while. Cause you know YouTube and stuff.


After a long break of streaming. Through YouTube you Suddenly get a chill down your spine. Like a spider was crawling very slowly down your could hear a faint buzzing in the back or your head. You remember that feeling from before, yeah its back again.

- owww fuck....

your 'father' (still waiting to be accustomed to the term) walks into the room ducking his head below the frame. Him and his large stature could barely walk through your door. he seems to have noticed your headache from your blunt and unexpected expression and softly spoke.

- im sorry, that always tends to happen when I approach someone, particularly humans,
He laughed you still didn't understand his humour. He could see your confusion and cleared his throat.
-trust me it'll pass. if not, well then, you'll get used to it. I did not mean to interrupt your session of... Whatever you were doing. I just wanted to say that breakfast has been ready for awhile and your plate will eventually get cold if you do not eat. I'll See you downstairs.

he carefully walks out the door. Making sure to duck. you closed your laptop and get up strolling across the wooden floor, it made small creaks as you paraded across the room. Taking a step out the door of the room you closed it and ran right and into Masky. again.
(Couldn't be more self aware of your surroundings could ya?)

-oh fuck, oh god, ugh sorry Masky I didn't mean to do to again especially not in the same day I just get a little mal observant sometimes...

You started to ramble in a somewhat nervous tone not knowing his reaction. You could picture it in your head, he would get mad yell at you, and bully you like everyone did. But he took your had and stood up looking you in the eyes

-hey its fine it happens all the time trust me
He scratched the back of his head awkwardly
-hehe you going down for breakfast? I was just there but I can escort you of you wanted,
He politely asked smiling under his mask.

-yeah. Hehe thanks again,

he grabs your arm and walks you down stairs like a gentleman. You smirked and thought devilishly. dayum does he know how to treat a girl. Every one is sitting at the table stuffing their faces with an assortment of breakfast foods, waffles, eggs, hash browns ext.( Idek make up ur minds)

-hey (y/n) come sit with me I have an empty set that need filling~

Ben in a gentle tone, you looked at him kindly and nodded your head no. He smiled in agreement shrugging it off casually as if it never phased him to begin with, you simply followed masky

you sit next to masky and another boy who was eating a kidney. or that's what it looked like at least. Since you only took one human anatomy course you were amused and conflicted by your inner creepy shit lover. You were damned curious. after all you were a horror freak and would try anything if you could. You smirked and turned to him. You remembered his name. Your words rolled off your tongue like music would an instrument. You straightened your stature confident

- hey jack right... sorry to bother you but I was dying to know. what do kidneys taste like? After all you do eat them like it's thanks giving dinner.

he lifts his head from his meal and tilts his mask back down, raising a finger while he was finishing his last bite. his voice is rough and hoarse,

-i dont really know what they taste like, juicy bloody but mainly kind of bland to me, why dont you try some to see? I mean I'm no master chef to judge but go right ahead.

-OH...okay >:)

he cuts a small peice of the kidney and slips it on your plate. leaving a small smear of blood on the rim of your pale white plate. You take the piece with your fork and cautiously put it in your mouth. Awaiting the chances of you up chucking your last meal.

-oh, oh, ooooh, ok wow this is actually pretty good, hehe I mean human kinda tastes like chicken after all.
You burst into a fit an chuckles at your own joke.
its was definitely an awkward taste for sure it was tougher, like wild meat but had the flavor of beef, or something, you just couldn't put your slim finger on the direct taste. you smile and keep chewing enjoying the new food. most of the others were giving you a weird look but they seemed to ignore you.

you giggle at the others and eat the rest of your breakfast. you thought yourself unconsciously. Blah blah blah


Eyeless Jack

i thought to myself as I was chewing food cautiously

-omg, kate is starring at me, oh shit what do i do.. i guess she's a little jealous after all I did share my food with the new girl... Well I'm fucked for sure.

(a/n) thanks for the reads and stuff i need ideas for more chapters anyway thanks luv u guys xoxo brofist peace out* throws a huge pile of stickers in the air* take them take them all" byes people before you get infected with my crazyness

~ Ladydeath out~ peace!

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