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3rd Person's POV

One month and 20 days, since Mina's death. Eren was counting all the days that had passed since she had been gone. Her loss to this world kinda changes a lot. Levi's company is at stake because of the loss of one of his best model and Eren was a crying mess every time he remembered that bubbly cousin of his.

But as time goes by, Eren was learning to accept that she was in good hands now. While the brunette was slowly becoming his usual happy yet sexy and seductive self again, Levi, on the other hand, was becoming more frantic than ever because, one, his company lost their former best model and two, his company was holding a soiree that will behold in 1 week for it's 29th year of founding that will showcase all of their products alongside with all of their best models.

Mina was supposed to be the lead to the others but now she's gone, Levi became even more distressed as on who to replace her, not that he wasn't stressed every day.

The raven-haired gentleman was at his full of paperwork table and thinking so deeply when his workplace's door flew open.

"RIVAILLE~" the cheeky/crazy brunette barged in without permission

"If you've come here just to annoy the living shit outta me, leave this fucking room. NOW!" the frustrated lad growled at the super hyper assistant of his

"Oh c'mon Levi, it's still 8 in the morning~ Loosen up a bit~" she whined back

"You know what, if you wanna be bloody useful, then find me a model that would look exactly good and sexy like Ms. Carolina. I need that person tomorrow-"

"Oh sure. I can fi-"

"-that will suit my taste" Levi interrupts

Hanji was giggling creepily as that certain person came to his mind. Actually, the bubbly assistant has a lot of connections from the most powerful men in the world to the most dangerous and most wanted Mafia bosses so finding the perfect candidate wouldn't be such a hassle.

But Hanji had different plans. She then leaves and started to head to her white Mustang. She knew a place where she can find the one she and Levi were looking for so Hanji started driving downtown where this small cafe/perplexed strip club is located.

After she parked her car at the side, the sound of a bell emitted from the door indicating that she opened it. Hanji was greeted by the one she was looking for but in order to get this one, she must buy it first.

Hanji approach the lady with the white loose top that was accompanied with a long brown jacket who was wiping down the counter table. The cheeky brunette grinned from ear to ear as she knew who that person was. Hanji opened her mouth but was interrupted by the girl as she spoke first.

"Welcome to Titan Wild Course. What can I-"

"I would like to buy that cutie over there"

Katt shot her head up and started squealing as she saw that the girl was none other than Hanji itself who was smirking mischievously. She then quieted herself as she saw that she attracted attention.

She calls for Krista to replace her place to talk privately to Hanji. As Krista stood in front of the counter table, Katt grabs Hanji's wrist and offer her to sit to the table that was next to the window.

"How's it been?" the violet-haired girl started

"Oh you know, still a loyal yaoi shipper"

They both laugh and share a 'you-know-it' look. After a while, they both calm down. Hanji was the first one to start talking now.

"Frankly speaking, I really want to buy Eren from you. You know what happens to Mina and Levi ordered me to find a successor of her"

"Oh, you mean Eren's cousin. Yes I know what happen to her and it was really sorrowful since your company lost the best model you have and then Eren became a crying mess for a whole month"

"And the only one that can replace her is none other than her mentor itself"

"Eren" Katt calls her best employee.

Eren heard his name being called and thus approach the two ladies.

"You called Madam?"

"Yes. Can you get 2 Cafe Au Lait?"

"Right away, young mistresses" then flashes them a bright smile.

Eren does what his manager told him to do and after a minute, he came back with a tray in his hand that holds the drinks of the ladies. Eren place down the drinks and was about to leave but Katt took hold of his wrist.

"Eren, meet Hanji, the assistant of the owner of Wings Of Freedom Incorporated" Hanji offered her hand to shake his

Eren grabs a hold of her hand and shook it then show his pure white teeth as he angelic smile. The owner of the store then spoke once again.

"And as we talked about earlier, you'll be starting to work tomorrow to the company where Mina once worked. You can still work here tonight before you started working there, as your final performance and appearance to my cafe " Katt stated

"Oh and I'll bring 'HIM' here tonight for relaxation. You know, stressed from paperwork so I need you to entertain him for the night" Hanji added

"Oh I'm very glad to be of help, Ms. Hanji~ Can't wait to meet and work under him~" Eren purred as he emphasizes the word 'him'

After giving some details to Eren, she then leaves as she was having a major fangirling moment at her head as she knew what was going to happen tonight.

The CEO and The Stripper: A Riren Fanfic AU ✖ [Discontinued]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant