•Let's Travel Back in Time•

245 16 4

3rd Person POV

About 3 hours from now, the soiree will finally commence yet their supposed 'best model' wasn't still in the venue and the CEO had something to do with it. The pacing raven-haired looked somehow guilty. Hanji, on the other hand, smirks in some sort of victorious state. Levi kept on pacing in frustration as he was the one who killed his own mate when he had sucked 'a little too much' of the lad's too sweet and intoxicating blood.

"What have I done?!" the older male yelled in frustration

The brunette assistant just releases a quiet chuckle before straitening her posture and walking toward her irritated and guilty boss. Hanji slightly taps his shoulder which was only repaid with a swift upper kick but luckily, she had jumped back a few meters from him. This just causes the secretary to burst into fits of laughter.

"Looks like someone is grumpy than usual today~" Hanji smirk while cackling mischievously

"This is your fault shitty glasses!" the man scowled at her 

"Nah, Nah, Levi~ How did this become my fault?~" the secretary just played innocently 

Levi just groaned, too irritated at the crazy woman's antics, as he kept his death glare on her. Hanji laughed once more before dusting some specs of dust on her slacks.

"And besides, you never knew if he's actually dead or not~"  Hanji puts a lot of playfulness in her voice

"I DO! I saw it in my own fucking eyes!" Levi practically screamed at his assistant as he slightly began losing his sanity

The CEO scrunch his nose and knit his brows in confusion when he heard the crazy brunette chuckled at his state. He was about to give her a roundhouse kick when Hanji coughed up to get his attention.

'I think it's the right time for Levi to know...'  she quietly thought before sighing

"I'm very sure you had already known the story of the forbidden child, have you?" Hanji stated in a quiet tone which slightly startled the raven

Levi knew the story and had actually grown up with the forbidden law. He quiets up as he knew that there is something wrong with the story that it made her shush down.

"You mean the child of a vampire and a human wherein the human bear a child then they both lived happily even though secretly before they both got slaughtered inhumanely?" the CEO asked the lady with boredom in his voice

"Exactly" the brunette lady simply stated

"And what's up with that foolish shit story?" the man is clearly starting to get irritated

The raven's statement just made the cheeky brunette cackle playfully while smirking mischievously. 

"Ohohoho~ You wouldn't call it foolish and shit anymore after I finished telling you the whole story. Remember, I'm still older than you by a couple of thousand years even though you are my lord and superior~" Hanji's playfulness seep out if her being

Levi shivered at the slight cringe as he winces along it. He exactly knew that fact and it just irritates him more.

"Let's start shall we?" she invited the man before he slightly nodded 

Hanji smiled before she started performing ritual incantations and a summoning spell before harshly flicking her index and middle finger on Levi's forehead with a zapping sound and a blue flame surrounding it before he fell unconsciously and instantly. Luckily, Hanji had caught him before he fell to the ground. She lay him down on her lap before resting her palm on his head and smiling.

"Let's watch this forbidden child's past, my lord" she stated before closing her own eyes

"Long time ago..."   

The CEO and The Stripper: A Riren Fanfic AU ✖ [Discontinued]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant