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???'s POV

"Bring me that Damphir as soon as possible~" he hints lust in his voice as he commands.

"Yes, my king." I kneeled with my right knee while bowing to show my respect before standing back up then leaving his throne room.

I got to admit, that damphir is really getting on my nerves. Not only did he got my king's attention but he's also the damn mate of his brother. My hatred towards him only grew day by day as I was forced to get along with him.

Come to think of it, today is Sunday which means, it's his second rest day again.

"Tsk. That bitch definitely has something up his sleeve and is afraid to let someone know." I muttered angrily.

And that gives me an idea, a wicked idea. Rumors and gossips are no stranger to humans and that is how I can make him crumble. A vicious chuckle escapes my lips before snapping to his location then hiding behind a tree.

"Where do you think you're going?" I muttered as I saw him walk down a hidden alley.

When I checked that he's nowhere in my sight, I immediately followed his location only to be met with a loud yet muffled blaring of music. I narrowed my eyes over the blinking sign.

"Titan Wild Course?" I say under my breath.

The fact that he enters here must be an indication that this is the backdoor of this which made me grin slightly. I quietly entered the establishment and with the help of my enchantments, I manage to get invisible while following him to his destination.

A quiet chuckle flowed out of my mouth as I realized what he is gonna do.

'Let's see what are you gonna do about it once the rumors had spread?' I mischievously thought before snapping out of the location.

-Timeskip to tomorrow-

Eren's POV

It was Monday which means another work day. I sighed as I got out of the taxi. Hanji couldn't pick me up since she said she has to prepare the meeting room for Mr. Ackerman. As I enter the building, I immediately noticed the whispering and disgusted look from the staffs towards me and it's making me slightly uncomfortable. My ears suddenly perk up as I began hearing their whispers more loudly.

"Have you heard that he's a stripper at a night club?" I heard one of their whisper which made me stop in the front of the elevator.

"Yeah, I did! They said that he dances like a slut for his old clients just for money!" the other one commented.

My mouth fell agape as I stare blankly at the elevator door. I never tell anyone about me being a stripper except Ms. Hanji since she's the one who brought me.

"Did you notice his seductive actions towards Mr. Ackerman?"

"I did and I think he's gonna do what he is doing to his clients. You know, dance to seduce Mr. Ackerman just to get his money."

I'm already used to the rumors whenever I'm out of that shop but it still angered me. I heaved a deep sigh before deciding to just use the stairs to get to the top floor instead of mingling with those pesky staffs.

I've only been here for a month and a half and rumors are already flying. I sighed again as I kept on walking up the stairs mindlessly until I bumped into someone. I closed my eyes since I was expecting to fall down but instead, a strong hand held my hand as it pulls me closer.

I slightly open my eyes before realizing who it was which made me blush and made my heart thump so loudly. From the looks of it, I think he's gonna yell at me first thing in the morning.

"Be careful next time." Mr. Ackerman sighed as he said that.

I stare at him like an idiot before remembering the rumors that I just heard a while ago which made me harshly pull my hands away from him. Mr. Ackerman seems to be taken aback by my action.

"P-please don't get near me..." I mumbled as I look to my side before scurrying up.

I can feel that he was supposed to stop me but I was too quick to even get out of his sight. From his state, it seems that he still hasn't heard the rumors. I immediately started looking for Hanji and made my way to the meeting room but she's not there. I then head to where I hope where she is, which is the studio.

I enter and luckily, she was there along with Ms. Ral, our manager. I sighed that they are the only ones there. They both notice my presence which made them look at me. I pants heavily while weakly walking towards them.

"Oh my gosh! Eren!" Ms. Ral hurried towards me and supports me.

"We both heard the rumors and I'm not believing it one single bit! I know that that is not true!" she reassured me which made me look at Hanji, which she shakes her head while knitting her eyebrows, indicating that she doesn't have any idea on who started it.

I sighed while trying to regain breath. But then, I heard as venomous laugh which made me shoots my eyes widely open.

"So how did you feel about these rumors that I had spread?~" a high pitched yet dark voice echoed through my ear as I shoot my head up a while looking frantically everywhere.

"Who are you?!" I desperately yelled in the room which only caused the voice to laugh more.

"You don't need to know who I am 'cause sooner or later, you'll fall in my hands, you bitch!!" I widen my eyes as I tried looking for the voice.

"STOP IT!!!" I yelled more desperately into the quiet empty room.

"What's the matter Eren?! Why did you yell?!" Hanji then asked me when she notices my agitated action which made me look at her then next to Ms. Ral who is also worried.

"I-Is there anyone else i-in this room?" I asked them in which they shake their heads.

I pant heavily as I place my right hand on my right ear while looking very tiredly.

"Are you sure you're alright?" they both chimed in worry.

I gulp and nodded I pants and tried to calm down. Whoever does that voice belongs, that person is up to no good and I can feel it.


Yep, I'm still alive XD. First, I'm so sorry for not updating for too long >< So as compensation for me without updating for almost 3 months, I made the chapter longer. I hope you all enjoyed it. ^^ So long and stay pretty my titans! ❤❤

The CEO and The Stripper: A Riren Fanfic AU ✖ [Discontinued]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant