•First Meeting•

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Levi's POV

Ugh! I hate loud music! How did I even got here again?


It was 8:30 which only means I can be out of this shithole. So god damn tired.  I was packing my belongings when-


"LEvi~" Shitty glasses barge in without even knocking.

"Shitty glasses, you just break my fucking door! What the fuck do you even want?!" I growled at her.

She didn't answer me when she grabbed my wrist as she kept on laughing maniacally then keep on dragging me to the parking lot.

-End of Flashback-

Oh, yeah. Hanji drag me here at Titan Wild Course. I didn't know that this was a club at night. This is where I always buy my Cafe Au Lait when I have spare time, which is rare. Speaking of Hanji, she just disappears and I can't even find that little shit!

My rumbling thoughts were interrupted by an MC introducing someone which slightly caught my attention. 

"Our last performer says that this will be the last that you'll see 'her' here for this week because 'she' is gonna be starting to work at a modeling company and will only be performing every Saturday and Sunday nights. I'll not let you kept on waiting, our very own and most wanted stripper, Red Velvet!!"

And then the music started blaring. As this 'Red Velvet' girl was coming out, the sweet honey with the hint of lavender and mint that I smelled when I first enter the premises become sweeter than usual.

This is also what I smell when Ms. Carolina died. It's starting to stir my mind to oblivion but good thing I can control myself but it wasn't long 'til I gonna lose it. When 'she' was finally near the pole, I look closely at 'her' mask covered face then down to her... Wait, this person isn't a girl. IT'S A FUCKING BOY!!

Well, I don't have any problem with that. Good thing I'm at the front so I can see him clearly but the bad thing is, I might lose my sanity and jump at him. As he grabs the pole, his eyes landed onto mine. He smirks at me before laying his back to the pole and dropped his juicy ass.

As he twirls around the pole with his left leg, he made an audible moan which wasn't loud enough for them to hear but to my super hearing, I hear his super delicious and juicy moans. It slightly loses my sanity. As he kept on swaying his ass, walking seductively and making those tasty wanton moans, he jump out of the stage and sit on my lap since I was the closest one near the stage.  He took off his black police hat and put it on my head then smirk at his own work.

The sweet mint and lavender are totally intoxicating me now. My mind is stirring to oblivion! He kept on doing his masterpiece as he leans on my shoulder as he breathed in my ear. The music is still loud but I can totally hear him whisper the lyrics. But his last line before gets back to the stage made me nearly lose my control.

"Make me whine, daddy~"

As he made it to the pole, he once again looks at me, wink and smirks mischievously. I growled lowly as the brat continued with his left dance work on the stage. Time seems too fast as he kept on moving gracefully yet seductively on the pole. Before I know it, the song was finished. He picks up some cash that's on the stage and on his straps. Before he gets to the backstage, he turns towards me and grins at my direction.

I swear, that brat is going to be the death of me. My mate.

PS: Please forgive me for this! I don't really know how pole dancing work so that was the result. I tried very hard so just understand that crap.

♡ So long and stay pretty, my titans!♡    

The CEO and The Stripper: A Riren Fanfic AU ✖ [Discontinued]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant