•First Day at Wings Of Freedom Incorporated•

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Eren's POV

Ring... Ring... Ring...

I grumbled lowly as I heard my alarm clock goes off. I sigh while pressing the off button and stretching my back. God, I only catch one hour of sleep last night... Of all of the things that I could think of yesterday, why does it have to be the 'incident' with him? 

Oh, right! I forgot to ask his name yesterday... Wait, why did I suddenly bother? I shake my head to get the thought away as I then went straight to the bathroom. As I finished my morning routine, I went to my closet when my phone started ringing. I get the phone from the nightstand then press the answer button.

"Hello?" I ask the one on the other line

"Are you ready for your first day?" a female with a hyper and excited voice said

"Huh?" I asked confusedly, not clearly knowing what she said

"What do you mean 'huh'? Did you forget that you'll be working at the Wings Of Freedom Incorporated starting today?" the lady from the other line said with the excitement yet slight annoyance in her voice

"M-Ms. Hanji?!" I asked her, a little shocked and embarrassed that I had forgotten about her  

"...Don't tell me you had already forgotten about me..." Ms. Hanji asked me, well more likely, intimidating me

"N-no! I c-completely remember t-t-that!" I'm really embarrassed by now

All I heard on the other line was an ecstatic yet teasing laugh as I pout with my face completely red. 

"Get ready. Gotta give him a good impression~ Oh, by the way, can you dress a little more like a secretary?" then followed by a thrilled chuckle

"S-sure. Goodbye" I bid farewell before hanging the phone

I heaved a sigh as I then rummage my closet for a minute until I stumble into a simple dress. (Look at the image at the top) As I finish it, Mikasa came in— more likely, barge in into my room which made me jump out of my skin.

"God, Mikasa. Didn't you know how to knock?!" I yelled at her, a little frustrated

"I just wanted to say that there is someone waiting for you out there" she ignored my protest as she shrugs before walking back downstairs

I sigh as I finished putting makeup, I immediately ran downstairs to only see a white Mustang waiting outside. I turn around to look at Mikasa with a questioning look.

"Do you know who that is?" I asked her out of curiousness

"Beats me" she simply stated while munching a toast in her mouth

I sigh once more before bidding farewell to Mikasa as I headed straight outside. As I went outside, a female in a professional suit came out. Oh, wait—

"Eren!!" the crazy lady with spectacles immediately pounce onto me

Luckily, I caught her and stood firmly for us not to both fall. Geez, this woman is so ecstatic first thing in the morning. As she regains her posture, she cleared her throat and arrange her glasses before looking with a glint her eyes.

"You know, you could really pass for a girl if you wanted to~" she teases me before snickering

I just laughed along with her with a slight tint in my cheek. I couldn't deny her observation on me since its very true. I'm often mistaken as a girl because of my feminine figure and features. As she stood up professionally, she opened the door car, indicating for me to enter.

"Seriously, you shouldn't have done that." I said with a little playfulness in my voice

She just laughed me off as I enter. Hanji closed the door and entered the driver's seat then sped off to our destination. The ride doesn't take long as we stop in front of a big and tall building. It buzzed with employees coming in and out, here and there.

"Please wait for me at the lounge while I park this car at the parking lot. Someone will assist you on your way there" Ms. Hanji  said out of nowhere which brought me back to reality

I nodded my head before exiting the car and then started walking towards the building. As I was about to touch the glass door's handle, a man -which came out of nowhere- opened the door for me which kinda startled me a bit. 

I didn't let it show as I thanked him in which he just paid me with a bow. As I take a look at my surroundings, it didn't fail to impress me as I stare at it in awe. The stunning golden-painted ceiling along with the expensive intricate chandelier compliments the red carpet in the white-colored tile. Suddenly, a girl with blonde hair and a petite body lightly tapped my shoulder which brought me out of my daze.

"Ms. Jeager?" the blonde girl asked

"Uhhmm... Y-Yes? T-That's me..." I stuttered my reply

'She thought I was a girl' my thought made me sigh

I'm already immune to those wrong address to me.

"I'm Krista and I'm ordered by Ms. Zoe to accompany you to the lounge area. Please follow me" Krista said with a cute smile on her lips 

I nodded my head before she started walking while I followed her. As we walk down the halls, I just look straight ahead. We then finally reached the lounged area after some few turns. 

"Please wait for Ms. Zoe in there" she instructed before bowing and walking away. 

I followed what she said and enter the room only to be met by a blonde boy who's sitting on the couch while reading a book. The boy then looked at my direction which shocked both of us.



After seconds of silence, we both laugh before hugging each other. We immediately started talking about everything since we didn't saw each other for a year and a half. I found out that he moved in at Paris with his boss/boyfriend, Erwin, who is the owner of the Survey Corps Fashion Industry.

Halfway of our conversation, Hanji finally came in, still looking so hyped up about something. She noticed our closeness immediately. She held a smile as she approached the both of us.

"I see you've known each other? Ms. Smith and Mr. Jeager" Ms. Hanji remarked 

"Oh, yes indeed. You see, he was my childhood friend. He just moved in with his boyfriend last year and a half- Wait, what?" I said to her before looking at Armin which cause her to laugh

"Well, y-you see... I'm already wedded with Erwin" then followed by a nervous laugh

"What?! You didn't tell us and invited your friends?!" I suddenly burst with shock

"Well, he told me to keep it a secret that we got married so..." Armin trailed off

"That damn caterpillar eyebrow man" Hanji remarked once again

  The three of us laugh in unison before settling down. Ms. Hanji looked at her watch before offering her hand for me to take.

"Mr. Jeager, I believe it's time for you to part with him and head to the studio." the brunette lady said as I took her hand and bidding my farewell to Armin and retreating from the lounge room

  ☜☆☞ • ☜☆☞ • ☜☆☞ • ☜☆☞ • ☜☆☞ 

WOOHOO! Here's another chapter for you guys! It took longer than I thought it would be  so hehehehe ^^; Enjoy this chapter

The CEO and The Stripper: A Riren Fanfic AU ✖ [Discontinued]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant