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Hello, my beautiful titan test subjects! Since its Valentine's Day today, I wanna greet you with a big HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE! Plus since I'm single af (XD) I'm gonna give you this special chapter but this time, this is related to the main story! So without further ado, LET'S GO!!!                                                                                                                                            •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••  
3rd Person's POV

The afternoon temperature is just enough for the people having their lunches to enjoy their meals or some are planning for what are they gonna do for this special. You see, it was just another Thursday today but this day is different because today is actually Valentine's Day.

The Wings Of Freedom Incorporated buzzed with staffs and employees as they came back and forth while they arrange the venue.  The said company is gonna hold its 29th Annual Clothing Soiree to showcase their best and newest products along with their beautiful models.

Levi Ackerman, the CEO of WOFI Clothing Industry, was in his penthouse, currently drying his hair with a towel as he rummaged his closet for anything decent to wear when he stumbled upon a plain white long-sleeved suit underneath with a black suit to top it off along with his cravat.

The suit is paired with black slacks and a black pair his usual shoes. He only wears this suit every meeting with his military forces and underlings.  

(This is what he looks like. His suit may be plain but he's so hella hot in that suit!)

Since he doesn't have any choice either, he sighed before putting the towel on his shoulder and grab the suit before laying it on the bed then hang the wet towel on the other small closet

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Since he doesn't have any choice either, he sighed before putting the towel on his shoulder and grab the suit before laying it on the bed then hang the wet towel on the other small closet. Levi started suiting up before getting his office bag and leaving his room and went downstairs.

After grabbing his car and house keys, the raven-haired man left his penthouse and enter the waiting limousine for him before the car sped off to their destination. After a couple of minutes, the car finally came to a halt in front of the tall building.

The CEO exited the car and walked professionally into the building before directing to the venue room. His stoic expression did not change while he watches the staffs and employees scurry here and there.

'What's the progress with the models, Hanji?' Levi talk to his assistant through their mind link

'Why don't you just come and see it for yourself?~' Hanji answered back with a slight snicker

Levi clicked his tongue in annoyance before he headed to the dressing room. He immediately opened the door with quite a loud bang which startled the models a bit. His models are being arranged by the beauticians but he didn't see Hanji nor Eren in there.

The CEO and The Stripper: A Riren Fanfic AU ✖ [Discontinued]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant