Miss "I have a plan"

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I was trying to wait for 20 views to update but I had an idea, so for the few people that take some time out of their days to read this, I hope its not trash.(Woo that was a long sentence)

Biana Vacker POV

"Oh come on, be reasonable! Fitz was not the most qualified person for this mission yet you sent him anyway!" I watch Sophie stomp her foot for emphasis.

"Now, now, moonlark, we have our reasons for doing what we do, our plan is orchestrated and will be perfect. Don't be stubborn." The collective reply, triggering the response from Sophie which leads to the round-about conversation we have been having for the past hour-ish.

I can tell that both, the collectives and the moonlark's patient is waning. After about fifteen more minutes of this kind of talk, Sophie finally gives up an says, "Fine I'm getting no where, I'll leave  you guys to think your own cryptic thoughts in peace." Turning around to address me, Linh, Tam, Keefe, and Dex, who were all watching the round-about conversation with various states or boredom, "Want to come over to Havenfield to wait for Fitz to come back?" Judging by what she says next I guess Dex and Keefe looked hesitant about going over, "Dex, I won't let Grady rope you into doing chores. And Keefe, I won't let Grady hound you." After all was smoothed over, we all link hands-and try to stifle our screams- as Sophie breaks the void and launches us off a cliff.

As soon as we get to Havenfield, I walk(read storm) over to Sophie, "We better not just be sitting around here all day. 'Cause we all know that Fitz isn't going to be back for a while. For, as you pointed out many-many- many times in your conversation with the Collective, Fitz wasn't the most qualified for the "mission." So whats up, Miss I-have-a-plan?" 

After I finish my short(relatively) rant, Sophie starts, "Okay, so, I was tasked with repeating Fitz's directions to him, so they would be fresh in his mind, so taken my photographic memory I know them. Also, I took a vacation to New York City, when I was still living  with humans, so I know the city we are going to, unlike Florence. I also happen to speak fluent English, so any arguments?" she quickly scanned the faces, when seeing no questions, she continues, "Keefe, Tam, and Dex, run to Everglen, and pick up Fitz's extra human clothes, no wait I'll just implant an image of a clothing store in Edaline's mind, so she can just conjure us some in fashion clothes. For all of us." She ends, answering my questioning gaze.

She runs off to find Edaline, leaving us with a hyper Keefe, a shy Linh, a fidgeting Dex, a brooding Tam, and an awkward me. So, to try to break the tension, I try, "hows the weather?"

Well that was a chapter, hope you liked it!

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