Spidey Files

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Hope y'all are liking this. I have multiple stories that are up right now if any of y'all are part of the Merlin, or Supernatural fandoms you might want to look at them. But back to the story. A new POV this chapter.

Peter Parker POV

I decided to walk to Central Park for my lunch break, and it was one of the best choices I've made in my life. My plan for my hour lunch break went something like this

1. Walk to the park (15 minutes)

2. Find a good food truck (10ish minutes)

3. Find a nice place and eat my food (20ish minutes)

4. Walk back to Avengers Tower (15 minutes)

What I did not account for in my plan was meeting Linh. She was one of the cutest girls I have ever layed eyes on. But that wasn't the only thing that gave me the courage to walk up and start a conversation with her. She looked really overwhelmed but also sincere and nice (not the kind of girl that would make fun of me and try to guilt trip me into doing their homework). 

I sat down next to her on the bench and greeted her, "Hey, I'm Peter Parker. Who are you?"

She looks confused at what I was asking and I realized that this might come off as kind of rapist 'I'm gonna kidnap you.'

I quickly add, "It's just I've never seen you here, and I come here almost every Wednesday for lunch. I didn't mean to scare you. I promise I'm not a kidnapper or a rapist or a serial killer or anything bad. But I do think that you look like a nice girl, and I was wondering if I could have your phone number. Oh good gosh, I'm sorry if I seem weird or desperate." I ramble getting caught up in hand gestures to the point that I didn't realize some of her friends came up beside her.

That was another reason I took a chance with her, she didn't have the large group of friends surrounding her that most girls always have around them.

Sitting down next to her, and looking very lightheaded and tired, was a blond haired girl who looked like a stereotypical mean girl but gave off the same nice air as the girl I actually came over to talk to. 

"I'm Sophie" she starts before pointing to the prettiest girl I have ever seen(but not my type), "This is my friend Biana. May we please learn your name now that you know ours?"

I start laughing because the way she said it, paired with her killer accent, just made me think of Thor. Backtracking I say, "Sorry for my laughter, but I only now one person that talks like that and you look very similar to him, I do not mean to offend you in any way. But my name is Parker, Peter Parker." 

I mentally hit myself for being such a nerd and saying my name that way, but hey what are you going to do. Once a nerd always a nerd.

But much to my surprise Sophie starts laughing, and a happy, nostalgic look filling her face as she counters with,  "James Bond style, really, James Bond?" 

The other two look at us like we're speaking a different language (which would make sense because of her accent) .

"So, what were you two doing," in a style very similar to Isabella from Phineas and Ferb.

I very bashfully, recalling my previous mishaps with the girl(I STILL DON"T KNOW HER NAME AGHH) recount my misadventures for her. Thankfully neither of them laughed at me, but instead filled me in with their side of the story.  I finally caught her name, Linh. It's such a pretty name, weird but pretty.

As I wrote out my phone number for Sophie, I looked at my watch to see how I was doing for time. Somehow 40 minutes had passed and I had  to book it back to the tower. With a quick goodbye to Linh I started sprinting back to the Tower.

Mr. Stark wouldn't care if I was late, but the other interns might. I made it back to the Tower about 4 minutes late, and just barely missed the elevator that would've taken me up to the Avengers Main level (as that's were I do my 'Interning') making me about three minutes later than I already was. 

But once I made it up their I was greeted by a shouting match.

So nothing new.

Slightly shorter than my others, but I wanted to update this.

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