Run, Peter, Run!

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Hey wonderful people that are reading this! You people are the absolute best! I mean 440 reads, I was expecting nobody to read this thing. Just look at the number of stories that pop up when you type in anything in the search bar. But, back to the story, the last chapter was a bit choppy, so this chapter should be better(I'm also going to do a small rewrite for the last chapter, make the dialogue flow smoother). This is a semi filler chapter, but it shows what the rest of the Keeper Crew did while Keefe and Tam met Tony Stark. But on with the story! (Song will be explained later in chapter)(Also, PETER PARKER IN THIS CHAPTER)

Sophie Foster POV 

So, this is extremely awkward. After about, 30 seconds past, Keefe was gone, along with Tam. And worst of all, Linh was being hit on by some boy in the park! Tam is so going to kill me.

It went like this, Keefe wandered off to who knows where, Tam followed him off. I was almost past out on the grass, and Biana, and Dex were trying to force feed me some mallowmelt they took with them. I did not know where Linh was at that moment, which, I would later regret.

When, my cousin, and my best friend got me sitting up, I saw where Linh was, and I knew that if I did not break it up, Tam would go berserk. A teenager, about our age if looks said anything, was talking with Linh, though it was a mostly one-sided conversation, due to Linh's limited English. But, you had to give it to him, they would go together pretty well. His sort of reluctance in the conversation with the girl, the super pretty girl. The way he thought before everything he said, showing that he did not want to say something stupid, and that he was not used to saying things to cute girls. Combine this with his very nerdy shirt, and you could tell, that if Linh was human, they would be dating, they are perfect for each other! 

I share a look with Biana, and it seemed as if she could not decide whether to let conversation they were having continue and let the feelings flourish, or stop the conversation now and appease the big protective older brother, that could easily beat this unathletic looking kid to a pulp.  We lock eyes for a moment then share a small nod, we are going to do the middle ground, something to keep the boy alive, but also keep the kindling of feelings growing.

Leaning on Biana for support, because I was still very light headed, we walk over to the two. At the moment we arrive, Linh is blushing, but looking very confused. Better intervene before Tam gets back. Sitting next to Linh on the bench that she sat down on, I reach over her to shake the boys hand.

"My name is Sophie Foster," I introduce myself, then pointing to Biana, "This is my friend Biana. May we please learn your name now that you know ours?" My accent from speaking the Enlightened language for so long shining through.

For a moment, I think my formality shocks him, that is before he laughs lightly, and returns with, "Sorry for my laughter, but I only now one person that talks like that and you look very similar to him, I do not mean to offend you in any way. But my name is Parker, Peter Parker." 

Now it is my turn to laugh, "James Bond style, really, James Bond?" It felt good to hear someone use a human reference, it was like taking a nice hot bath after a stressful day, a default setting. Now that I said that, Linh and Biana are looking at me strangely but, to the heck with it I want to talk with a human give me a moment of indulgence, geez people.

Peter starts laughing as well, we enjoy this for a moment before I ask what the two of them were talking about.

Peter blushes, but responds with, "Oh, we just kind of, I don't know, bantering, just small talk, nothing huge." He stammers a bit, putting in a lot of filler words, obliviously thinking we were going interrogate him, or do something embarrassing to him. He paused for a moment, before opening up and saying in a quieter voice than what he had said, "I asked for her phone number, but then she got really confused."

Oh, my gosh, he asked for her phone number, that's so sweet. To bad she does not have a phone, wait, we have a technopath at our disposal, and a lot of ATM's around.

"Oh, I am so sorry Peter, but Linh and Biana just got here from a different country and do not know much English, so she probably did not understand what you were saying to her.  But parents supervising this trip are going to buy them some phone this evening, so if you give her your number written down she could text you  this evening," I finish this little match maker plot, and as soon as I close my mouth, I see that Linh has a phone number in her hand. 

That Peter kid is fast, I will give him that. Lets just hope he is fast enough to run away from an angry Tam. I can already imagine Tam beating the lights out of Peter. Sensing that Tam would be back soon, I urge Linh to say goodbye to her human sweetheart.

"Bye Peter!" Linh calls as the two part ways.

"Bye Linh!" Peter calls from the opposite side of the walkway.

At this point we are almost back to the little landing spot we had, Dex was just sitting there looking slightly dejected, but fine nevertheless. Dex is tinkering with this huge iPod, by huge, I mean huge, at least three times the size of my iPod. This is probably the newer version of it, I grab it from him, and look through the persons music, I eventually find the song I am looking for, "Brand New" by Ben Rector.(A/N This is the song that the beginning of the chapter. It is really good, and Ben Rector is an amazing artist check out his music) It just came out when I was taken to the Elven world, but I love it nonetheless. I press play on the song, and pull the two other girls into a small huddle, and go over how to hold yourself if a guy starts flirting with you. 

Geez, I never thought I would have to do this till I had kids.

Okey, that's a wrap on this chapter! This chapter was dedicated to florencemaude  because when they commented on my story, it really boosted my will to write.

But keep commenting and reading this story you wonderful people!!

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