Finding an Idiot in a City Full of Idiots

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Sorry this took so long for me to update, but I'm writing up a few things that I just uploaded. Now I also have a Merlin, and a  Supernatural Fanfic. I also have an original story. It'd mean a lot if y'all would pop into those and check them out. I'm truly sorry it took so long.

Sophie POV

"He's there," I tell the group.

"Who's where?" Tam answers.

I shake my head a little bit, and point at the modern architecture that makes up Avengers Tower.

"Fitz is with the man of the hour, Tony Stark," I say with overdramatic inflection and hand gestures, imitating a talk show host.

"How'd my idiot of a brother find himself doing his mission right?" Biana asks sarcasm drenching her tone.

"Oh, he had a panic attack and just somehow got lucky."

This elicits a round of laughter from the whole group, each finding it funny for a different reason.

"Sounds like a summary of Wonder Boy," Dex says, using his old nickname for Fitz ironically.

The group all adds in there own response to this, with varying degrees of sarcasm and humor in each.

"Well, anyways," I start, still recovering from laughter, "He's in Avengers Tower, so we have quite a walk to go."

"Can't you just teleport us there," Keefe groans, "It's so far away."

"Aww, can little Keefie not walk?" Tam antagonizes.


Let's leave the walk to Avengers Tower at this- both Tam and Keefe have stains of their jeans. And Biana, me, and Linh have about four boys phone numbers, each. And Dex, Dex is now holding 8,000 dollars worth of cash. He wanted to get more, but we stopped him before he could. The last thing we need right now is the human police after us.

But as the doors of Avengers Tower open, it becomes blindingly clear that my friends are not human. What might be so special about some doors? The fact that they have a motion sensor, and opened without any sort of order being given, or pendant being scanned. 

Linh leans over into my ear and whispers in the enlightened language as I had instructed them to do if they needed to talk to me. We don't need anyone else thinking that we are odd, "I thought that Tony Stark wasn't aware of our arrival."

"He isn't," I respond.

"Then why did his doors open for us?" Linh continues.

"Because of an automatic sensor in the door," Dex butts in, pointing to the glowing red sensor on top of the door.

This earns him a glare from both me and Tam. One from me for speaking so loudly and obviously in the Enlightened language even though I specifically told him not too. One from Tam for talking directly to his little sister in the same day that he had fell on top of her.

I whap him on the arm, and in English say to the whole group, "Remember, I'm the one doing the talking- not you. We are here for a reason."

Turning around I walk towards the secretaries desk, not looking back to make sure that my friends were there because I knew that they'd follow me anywhere.

"Hello, what can I do for you today?" the secretary asks me, a beaming smile addonning her face.

"I believe one of our friends is visiting Mr. Stark and we are here to pick him up," I ask her my accent, and odd request, leading her to raise an eyebrow.

"Mr. Stark didn't have any meetings today sweetie, you must have miscommunicated with them. Not to seem prying, but where is your accent from? I'm in love with it. I'd much rather you read the phone book than Morgan Freeman."

Shoot, how do I answer this. What does my accent sound like? I rack my memory trying to remember exactly what Fitz sounded like all those years ago in the Museum. 

"It's British, though I have spent the last few years studying in France, we all have," I say gesturing to my friends.

"Your all so lucky, it has always been a dream of mine to study in France. The language has always fascinated me," She finishes with a wistful look.

"Well, we'll let you get back to your job, sorry to bother you," I respond with a sad, apologetic, smile as I turn around she adds one more thing.

"I can send a message to Mr. Stark if you want me to, his other interns will pass it along?"

"That would be great!" I reply donning an overly happy smile.

I write down my message on a piece of paper, and place it into the envelope that she had given me.

We walk out of the building- without Fitz.

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